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Author Topic: WEEK 4 - MAP30 - CORE13 [JUL 6 - JUL 12] Discussion  (Read 9227 times)


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WEEK 4 - MAP30 - CORE13 [JUL 6 - JUL 12] Discussion
« on: July 07, 2020, 04:15:45 PM »
Week 4 - MAP30: E.F.O. (CORE13)
July 6th - July 12th

Demon SlayerS [DMS]
Alpha, Hatedaddy, Dranzer, PerroNDoN
5 pts (1-2-0)
[SBR] Steel Ball Runners
Zakken, Caution, Frandaemon, Denzoa
5 pts (1-2-0)

Ô Blésq Blom [BQB]
Infer, Starrk, Cartel, Dsparil
4 pts (1-2-0)
[TBW] The Broomstick Warriors
DevastatioN, Asriel, Jwarrier, Godlike
10 pts (3-0-0)

Sexual Panthers [SXP]
HumanBones, Dragon, Tobi, ShadowStalker
9 pts (2-1-0)
[SUC] Super Chargers
Ralphis, KBlair, ThatsJustPrime, Souler
3 pts (1-2-0)

Tai's Only Fans [TOF]
Tai, Dastan, Edd, Galactus
7 pts (2-1-0)
[GPS] Giant Pea Shooters
Alt+Stab, GhostKiller, Xenaero, Legion
0 pts (0-3-0)

Best Ever [BST]
RoSKing, ACC, Skullrush, TMD
12 pts (3-0-0)
[RIP] Rip N Tear
Stall, Chaindude, TheFatWilly, Saltmine
5 pts (1-2-0)


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Re: WEEK 4 - MAP30 - CORE13 [JUL 6 - JUL 12] Discussion
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2020, 08:03:15 AM »
I think this week, all matchups are matchups of the week, with different situations.

Can’t say much of my match, but I know it’ll be a fun one vs Zakken. We’re the middle of the pack at the moment, so safe to say is that a win here can secure a playoffs spot. See ya mañana.

A very tough matchup for BQB this week, although TBW showed weakness as well last week where SXP took it to 3 rounds. But being this is a new map for everyone, BQB Can pull off an upset, it’s a nice map to play hide and seek in, if they play their cards right, BQB Can pull it off. Otherwise TBW will analyze and adjust and win the game.
TBW 2-1

Bones vs Ralphis a classic matchup, Ralphis has to pick himself up from last week’s lost, weird to see SUC at the bottom with 3 points, but this is the week to bring it up. A lot of room to move around and juke your opponents. I think it’s an even matchup, balanced offense/defense, but I’m giving the edge for SUC, I know Ralphis will showcase his best this week, to bring himself back into playoff bounds.
SUC 2-1

It’s do or die for GPS, and unfortunately they’ll have to overcome TOF this week. A very tough matchup for them, Stab’s crew gotta play their 105% to get pass through EDD, much content, an insane fragger at mid and still have to get pass Tai at base. I just don’t see it happen, prove me wrong, but TOF takes it.
TOF 2-0

RoS vs Stall
Best Offensive player vs best defensive player, Stall doesn’t miss a fking shot and one shots you every time. But will he be able to hold down a constant offense from BST? I’m giving the edge on BST for that reason, BST has such an immense attacking power from RoS alone. A treat of a matchup for tonight,
BST 2-1