Super Chargers [SUC] vs [SUPER] SupeRBotsAfter an upset by SDC, SUC will probably go berserk for this week -- I have no memory of Ralphis' teams ever having a losing streak of over 1. Meanwhile, SUPER already has two harsh losses on the record, and if they don't snatch a good few points out of this game, they will be in serious trouble to clench a playoff seed. The map is somewhat open and mid-centered, and SUC's Mid presence has proven to be very strong, with the likes of RottKing and Starrk mopping the floor relentlessly, but SUPER's Mid has been their weakest spot thus far: fraggy players like Rude or Capo would do best in Mid, while a non-fragger like Intoxicate is best off playing a different position. Even if SUPER does patch up their Mid power, SUC's tricky green armor runs will throw them off regardless. SUPER has the means to tie or win a single round, but not the whole game.
SUC 2-1 SUPER (3 rounds)Adderall Drunk Drivers [ADD] vs [TMC] The Mall CopsThe game featuring the top 2 teams (as I expect TMC to win their week 2 game, which hasn't happened yet as I am writing this post) will be a blast to watch. Two very capable teams, one with veteran high-level players with very stable D/Mid/O positions, and the other with a scary amount of fragging pressure. ADD is not a team to be easily intimidated, so it will be a tough game for both of these teams. Low-scoring all around, and it could very well last for the maximum 30 minutes, but I believe ADD has the clutch factor to barely win this one through.
ADD 1-0 TMC (3 rounds)Stardust Crusaders [SDC] vs [SHQ] Shaq Fu