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Author Topic: Donate to!  (Read 7884 times)


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Donate to!
« on: August 03, 2015, 10:55:41 AM »
:psycash :psycash :psycash :psycashDonate to & the World Doom League:psycash :psycash :psycash :psycash

Do you like the WDL and all of the other things that we do here? So do we! Apart from the large amount of time and effort it takes to run these events, it also costs a little bit of money. Between all of our direct expenses, we're looking at near $300 per year. What I'd like to do is open up the ability for the community to optionally pitch in some cash if they think that and the services we run are worth it to them.

We currently run our servers out of Atlanta and they have been pretty well received from most geographical corners of our community. We'd like to keep these running for the foreseeable future.

Any excess money earned from donations will go towards strengthening infrastructure that relates to what we do, that list of ideas includes (but is not limited to):
  • Improvements to the website and statistics
  • Improvements to Odamex (specifically targeting bug fixes and features that directly concern our community)
  • Potential servers at other locations
  • The ability to host custom servers on WDL's machine (ala the Best Ever servers on Zandronum)
Also, feel free to list anything you'd like to see from the team as well. We won't make any promises, but we'd love to hear your thoughts.

If any of this seems valuable to you, please consider donating. Every little bit helps. Thank you!

Donate to and the World Doom League
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To read the permanent fundraising thread, click here.