I had the chance to help practice both teams, and I believe they're on the same level. Both were rusty, who's to blame, it's only week 1. But both teams won't disappoint when the time comes. HumanBones + Torvald is a nice stable wall to run against, Rude is just great with his jukes, he got me good. Alt_Stab + DevastatioN has a really strong mid posture, Dev is still a machine despite not being around much and only just practicing a few games. It's gonna be a good match to watch especially at mid, Dev will have to be put there to stop any runners from coming into base and just push on.
SXP 2 - 0 - 1
DS vs Ralphis, game of the week. DS has a really strong defense but Ralphis has a really strong offense, what happens when two greats collide? Absolute chaos. DS + Wazzup is just really strong to run against, but, Ralphis unleashed KBlair's true power, a great wall. In order to win this week, DS's O must be ready to run against a wall, and Ralphis' mid to be ready in aid having mid cleared out for the score.
1 - 1 - 1 Tough matchup but gotta give it a tie