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Author Topic: Weekly Duel Possiblities, your opions are greatly appreciated.  (Read 10395 times)


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Weekly Duel Possiblities, your opions are greatly appreciated.
« on: February 09, 2017, 06:06:41 PM »
Hello everyone Widower here, as recently suggested to me on odamex forums(didn't know they were dead lol), I am posting my questions here.

Was wondering..If I created a single elimination tournament, with no standings or points to be rewarded, would anyone join? I realize that most people on Odamex are of the competitive nature, and may be turned off by not having anythign to look forward to as a reward, howeve, I figured I would ask first, this time in the right place.

Also, I realize that nadoom pretty much has the dueling scene covered and do not intend to compete with it in any way shape or form, this tourney is really just to have some fun dueling, which is something I enjoy a lot, whether it's spectating a great match or playing one, its fun to me.

Keep in mind, I do not expect anyone to teach me how to td, but I will ask for this, I have already looked at the rules in nadoom, the flags and all that  stuff, however I stil would like to be directed to somone elses forum post, where they are posting a tournament in the correct manner with the correct rules and traditions, this is so that, when it comes time, for me to post my tourney, I do it in the correct manner. Also other than this page and nadoom, if anyone has anything else that is considered neccesary reading before even attempting to run a tourney, please let me know. The last thing  I want to do is create more work for anyone.

All in all, I understand is the efforts of this post are fruitless, but I figured I would atleast give myself the chance of posting it.

Anyways, thank you for reading, and thanks for any advice, critique or otherwise, that may be given. And if I have wasted your time I apoligize in advance.


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Re: Weekly Duel Possiblities, your opions are greatly appreciated.
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2017, 06:21:25 PM »
Hi, NADA is pretty much dead for the most part, and has been for a good while. I'd be interested in doing some kind of weekly single elimination tournament, depending on who signed up.


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Re: Weekly Duel Possiblities, your opions are greatly appreciated.
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2017, 07:16:39 AM »
This is a great start. Hopefully more pople of you same caliber are willing to join in on the fun, don't want to give you too much of a cake walk to the fials, lol. Either way thank you for your willigness.


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Re: Weekly Duel Possiblities, your opions are greatly appreciated.
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2017, 06:03:24 PM »
great, i would sign up!


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Re: Weekly Duel Possiblities, your opions are greatly appreciated.
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2017, 07:40:49 PM »
2 people already willing, nice. Ideally this would be a 8 player tournament, as I grow more acostumed to running these things, I will add more variables and people.. Nice to see the replies and kinda looking forward to some good matches that may come of this, if this actually gets off the ground. Anyways will be checking this atleast once a day, to see if theres been any improvements.


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Re: Weekly Duel Possiblities, your opions are greatly appreciated.
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2017, 11:06:50 AM »
I am gay
i would play

hey it rhymed


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Re: Weekly Duel Possiblities, your opions are greatly appreciated.
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2017, 09:36:59 AM »
Hey guys, Widower again,

It has come to my attention that finding good players during this time, would be a pretty hard task, so many of the strong players that I would enjoy seing particpate are either busy with rl stuff or are more interested in focusing on dong well during this WDL season.

So although I would like to run this, and still have hopes that it may be possible to do so, maybe it is better to wait for a future date, where people have more free time.

Despite this, I would like to thank the people who were willing to give this a shot, hopefully soem other time this will be possibe, for now just thank you.

For the admins, you guys can close this thread, as its purpose has been served.


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Re: Weekly Duel Possiblities, your opions are greatly appreciated.
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2017, 01:26:11 AM »

This gives ol' Xen an idea