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Author Topic: Odamex Nitro Returns...with UptightDM! Friday, Sep 2nd, 2016 @ 7:30pm EST  (Read 8833 times)


  • Still a Dirty Fetus
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That's right, Odamex Nitro is coming back every week just for you! I had a great response to the Toke Memorial session I ran last week, and several people told me I should start up Nitro again. Well, here we are! I was surprised to learn that it had been over 3 years since HeX9109 or myself had anything to do with this event, so I decided to get the old team back together. We've also added two great guys to the team, Doomkid and Alt_Stab, and together we'll be doing our best to bring some kick-ass deathmatch, CTF, and even coop games back to Odamex.

This time around, Odamex Nitro will be held every Friday @ 7:30pm EST. I'll also be working on ways to get the community involved in what we choose to run. There are always going to be wads the four of us have never heard of, and remember, we love to test betas!

HeX9109 mentioned this the other day, and it's something I agree with, Nitro was the most fun when we were testing a brand new wad like a 32in24 or Back to Saturn X. We'll be doing that with our first return session here, running the recently finalized Uptight DM, which is a great newer set of Deathmatch maps. Hope to see everyone back in action!

Nitro Admins


Where to find us #odanitro

WAD: uptightdmfinal
Mode: FFA
Maps: 32 (uptdm01 - uptdm32)
Players: 16+
Server: OR Doomshack OR Funcrusher (being finalized)
Date: Friday, September 2nd, 2016 @ 7:30pm EST