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Author Topic: WDL Fall 2017 Signups are Open!  (Read 9609 times)


  • Still a Dirty Fetus
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WDL Fall 2017 Signups are Open!
« on: September 18, 2017, 06:09:22 AM »
The eighth season of the World Doom League is officially open for signups!

Signups will close Wednesday, October 11th, 2017.

Signups for the eighth WDL season are now open! The first seven seasons have been a huge success thanks to our great community and we hope to continue that into our Fall 2017 season. If you'd like to be a part of the league, it's time to jump on over to the signup thread and put your name down.

If you are unfamiliar with the WDL, read on for more information.

What is the World Doom League?

The WDL is a 3-on-3 CTF league, played on Odamex, and built on tried and true competitive traditions. In the WDL, 4 man teams are built when captains take turns selecting players before the season through what is known as the "draft".

The WDL is currently projected to be composed of six to eight teams. These teams will compete in a "regular season" schedule that allows them to qualify for a playoff tournament, a concept you're surely familiar with if you follow any major professional sport organization. The regular season should last five weeks with an additional two weeks of playoff contention.

The WDL is currently an OPEN league. However, the league reserves the right to deny free agency to select players under certain conditions. Players from 5 continents and over a dozen countries have already played in the league. Those who show a proactive, vested interest in the the league, the game, and the community are most likely to be drafted onto teams.

How can I get involved?

That's simple!

The easiest way to get involved with the WDL is to play Private CTF. Private CTF, or "privs", are organized games of Capture the Flag played on private servers only available to members of the community. Don't worry though, you don't have to sign up for anything to play. All you have to do is visit us on IRC and jump into a game!

The IRC server information for the WDL is as follows:

Channel: #wdl

Will I make it onto a WDL team?

While there is no guarantee that a new player will make it onto an WDL roster, dedication to the game and the apparent will to do well at it will take you a long way in the process of securing a roster spot. Even backups and free agents usually get an opportunity to play in WDL games. Some of CTFs brightest stars have come from stepping up when opportunity called.

Even if you do not secure a spot on a team through the WDL Draft, a continued interest often allows you an opportunity to play during the season by way of a "free agent signing". By receiving and accepting an invite, you are immediately a free agent and can be picked up onto any roster during the season. Some of the league's most notable players got their start like this.

How does the WDL benefit me?

Although some free agents may not make it onto a team, being involved in the WDL community has its benefits. Aside from playing with some of the best CTF players in the world daily, by means of private CTF or WDL league activity, many great friendships have been born out of past endeavors (such as the WDL's predecessor, the IDL).

Leagues like the WDL have gone a long way by uniting once rival doomers and turning them into respected opponents and, more importantly, close friends. The WDL scene could be daunting at first, and most players have to work for in-game recognition, but the bonds within the WDL are some of the closest I've ever seen with over 15+ years in the Doom Community.

So what are you waiting for? Check out the website and forums, and more importantly, come see us on IRC and get ready for the upcoming season!