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Messages - Alt_Stab

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WDL Winter 2016 / Re: WDL Winter 2016 All-Star Game
« on: February 23, 2016, 02:17:08 PM »

WDL Winter 2016 / Re: Week 4 - MAP18 CORECTF24 [Feb 8 - Feb 14] Discussion
« on: February 10, 2016, 09:16:20 AM »
From what I saw in practice yesterday, this map plays a lot like last week's map, and that probably means bad things for OVS (and probably GPS too :psyboom). SXP was looking solid if not great on this one in practice, but I fully expect them to be firing on all cylinders by gametime. Unless OVS can pull a rabbit outta their hat I don't see much hope for them in this matchup.
SXP 2-0


REG is looking really strong on 18 so far in practice, and they showed last week how good they are at map control on this style of map so I would expect they're going to be an extremely tough matchup. However, the one thing SUC consistently does is find unconventional ways to play seemingly straightforward maps, and they did that again last week to great effect. I think this will hinge on Ralphis's offense vs. Jwar's D. If Ralphis can get in and out quickly, or get in and kill the D and have time to mess around until his guys get to mid, this could go their way.
REG 2-1

I'm looking forward to this one. On the one side you have DS, who after losing week 1 may look to anchor his team's defense here, which will create some tough sledding for Legion and Goblin. But this map also plays into Jwarrier's hands as he has a knack for quickly "figuring out" maps and finding winning strategies on maps that nobody likes. I think this will be close, but if I had to pick a winner right now I'd go with DEA in a three round win. However, I wouldn't even be slightly surprised to see it go the other way. This should be a great game.

Supposedly this week's matchup to watch, I think this is going to end up being a bit of a shocker to some. After a great week 1 effort, I think SUC is going to falter here, as Rude, Tor, and Bones will keep the pressure turned up full blast, and I think will have enough frag power to force their will on SUC.
SXP 2-0


I watched some SUC practice on Saturday and I thought they made a lot of progress in just the one session, to the point where they are looking very competitive on 04 with KBlair racking up the body count. I don't think the offense is up to speed yet, which is why early in the week, I'd lean towards DEA who seem to be clicking on 04 from what I saw of them last night. The question with DEA is going to be who will run. If Demonsphere decides to go D or mid, I expect Starrk to run. We know he has confidence, but will he produce?

DEA 2-1


There's not much to say about OVS yet, except that I didn't see them practice all weekend, and we know what usually happens to teams that don't practice. They have talent on their roster, but no team is too good for practice, especially when faced with the perceived powerhouse that is REG. REG is just the opposite, practicing the most out of anyone this weekend, even with their talented roster. They're looking pretty good. So, given the circumstances, I don't think you can arrive at any other conclusion than:

REG 2-0

WDL Discussion / Re: WDL Player Theme Songs
« on: January 12, 2016, 01:27:56 PM »
Zakken's Theme:

WDL Discussion / Re: WDL Compilation Video
« on: December 28, 2015, 01:06:38 PM »
Great video. A+. Maximum hype has been achieved.  :psyboom :psyboom :psyboom :psyboom :psyboom :psyboom :psyboom :psyboom :psyboom

WDL Discussion / Re: WDL Compilation Video
« on: December 23, 2015, 09:56:48 AM »

WDL Discussion / Re: Side-event idea: USA vs The World
« on: December 13, 2015, 02:51:55 PM »

WDL Winter 2016 / Re: WDL Winter 2016 Signups
« on: December 08, 2015, 06:14:51 AM »

Y'all better bring yo stuff cause I'm looking to finish what I started last year.  :doommad

Name: Alt_Stab
Country: USA
Preferred contact: #wdl, #cad
Regular Availability: Evenings and weekends.

WDL Discussion / Re: WDL 2016 Map Proposals
« on: November 02, 2015, 10:57:31 AM »
"I'm also a guy that enjoys hide and seek ctf"


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