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Messages - Alt_Stab

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11 12
WDL Discussion / Re: Adding a third WDL season to the calendar
« on: July 21, 2015, 01:03:40 PM »
I'm all for it. IMO the layoff between seasons is too long. We end up with 'dead' periods of literally no activity, both in game and on IRC. A month out from the season things get slow. Then two months out with two more to go and everyone's pretty much like, "screw it, what's the point". I think it would be in the league's best interests to do something to keep up activity in the offseason and this is as good an idea as any. With more activity in the offseason there will be a larger chance of fostering new talent as well, with more frequent scrims. Plus, with veteran players more likely to take a break and opt out of a given season, there might be more chances for fresh faces to make a team and make their name. Moreover, I think three seasons keeps the league healthy and gives it a better shot at growing than it currently has.

WDL Summer 2015 / Re: Capodecima leaves CDC
« on: July 20, 2015, 06:29:02 PM »


Without having seen CDC practice, I think on paper they look like a team I wouldn't want to play here. They could make things very grindy with a heavy D approach. Lots of frag power on that team. Not sure if they'll be able to withstand Water's sneak attacks though. He's pretty good on O there, and with Torvald now on the team he should have good mid support. Then again I would think this would be a good map for Wazzup to run on so we'll see. I think it's going to be very close, and I'm not sure who to pick honestly, but HumanBones already copped out with a tie so I'll say CDC pulls an upset here and wins 2-1.


Ralphis is damn good here at making you miss, and if he gets a good mid/o tandem going with Starrk or Dranzer, or whoever, he's going to be hard to stop. I think TDT needs to control the sphere and play a strong D. Demonsphere has the ability to shut it down, but this map requires a coordinated team effort. Without seeing any practices it's hard to say yet how well TDT will play this map, but based on the way SUC has played so far I would have to lean their way. I'll say 2-0 to SUC, but my prediction could easily change during the week. Looking forward to this game. Actually both games this week should be really good.

[TDT] vs [REG]

I think Water is the second best WDL player at O on this map, at least from what I've seen in practice, and he has a very solid mid/d combo that should be enough to support him on his way to at least a couple captures per round. Talented as they are, TDT seemed to have trouble getting caps in practice on this map earlier in the week, so assuming that stays the same I'll go with a 2-0 REG victory in 2 close, low scoring rounds.

[CDC] vs [SDC]

This one is hard to predict. Going off of pure fragging power the Rude, Reck, Wazzup combo has a clear advantage over Zakken, Xen, Infante. But the key to this map is an O that can get flags out, so that makes things more interesting when considering this is exactly the type of map where Infante (AVC) excels on other ports. Zakken really couldn't have gotten him at a better time. Having said that, I've seen Rude racking up the practice time this week, looking pretty good last I saw him, and I don't think I've seen SDC yet, but I might have just missed them. I'm going to say CDC wins 2-0, unless AVC has practiced and runs to his full potential here.

$UC 2 - 0 SDC (2 rounds)
Zakken has played like an all-star in every season, and he always seems to have his team in the mix come playoff time. Teamed up with Torvald and Xenaro, two upper tier players last season, SDC definitely looks formidable. However, I believe that Bones' defense with Starrk in the middle will be enough to give Ralphis all the space he needs to move. I'm thinking that will spell victory for $UC. 

TDT 2 - 1 CDC
The Dream Team looks undoubtedly strong on paper, and could be the best team in the league. But do they have the right chemistry? We won't know that until we see them in action. Also, week one is less prone to blowouts due to everyone being a little rusty, and I think this will hold true in this case as the game will feature players like Legion, Rosking, and possibly Reckless, who haven't been playing a lot of Oda until very recently. I think that closes the gap a little and will make this interesting. Not that Rude doesn't have a good team. Rude played at an MVP level last year and Capo, forgetting his persona outside the game, is no slouch. Reckless, of course, is the wild card. If he shows up/is motivated to win, he could add a very dangerous element to Capo Don't Care. Also, I'm at work and I'm sooooooooo bored. 

WDL Summer 2015 / Re: WDL Summer 2015 Draft Results and Discussion
« on: July 03, 2015, 09:14:56 AM »
I believe there's a recording on Unidoom twitch, but I doubt you'd want to listen to it. It was literally thrown together in the last five minutes before we started. But if you want to hear Starrk break down every single player in the draft I think there's a recording up.

WDL Summer 2015 / Re: S2015 schedule predictions
« on: June 08, 2015, 01:19:05 PM »
MAP01 - Fortress Collision (ZDCTF01): I don't think this is a very popular map within the community here. I know of at least 1 board member who despises it. I wouldn't mind it being in, but I wouldn't bet on it.

MAP09 - Something Epic II (ODACTF02):

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WDL Summer 2015 / Re: WDL Summer 2015 Signups
« on: June 08, 2015, 01:03:51 PM »
Name: Alt_Stab
Country: USA muthafuckaaaaaa
Preferred contact: #wdl, email, etc
Regular Availability: Most evenings

WDL Discussion / Re: Off-season idea: Saturday (?) night priv
« on: March 14, 2015, 08:54:40 AM »

WDL Winter 2015 / Re: WUMBO or SDC: Who will you be rooting for?
« on: March 09, 2015, 04:23:47 PM »
That's an impossible question because I ha-, err, love all of you equally. So I'm rooting for Torvald to get stuck licking a flagpole and get hit by lightning, so then Water will have to pick up my boy Ding DANG!!

WDL Discussion / Re: WDL Player Theme Songs
« on: March 06, 2015, 02:45:17 PM »
This is Humanbones' theme for all time:


WDL Winter 2015 / Re: WDL Winter 2015 All-Star Game
« on: March 02, 2015, 04:14:21 PM »
Jwarrier: Holy hell, look at those stats. Humanbonerz put up the top defensive numbers this year but Jwar was a very close second.
Rude: Of 13 players with over 100 touches he has by far the best K/D ratio. Extremely well rounded in all areas this season. He is the full package.
Yorick: We knew he was good, but not this good.
Wazzup: His points per minute cannot be ignored. Nobody else even came close.
Humandick: Statistically Rambo.

WDL Discussion / Re: WDL Player Theme Songs
« on: March 01, 2015, 04:08:26 PM »

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