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Messages - Zakken

Pages: 1 ... 17 18 [19] 20 21 ... 24
WDL Winter 2015 / Re: Week 3 - Map29 ZDECTF2-19 [Feb 9 - Feb 15] Discussion
« on: February 14, 2015, 09:38:51 AM »
Same goes for you. Because the destruction is going to be GODLIKE!

WDL Discussion / Re: One thing i wanted to know
« on: February 11, 2015, 01:12:06 PM »
The world won't change for you. You either get with the program or you stay out of business. That's how real life works, and this place is no different. Shush.

WDL Discussion / Re: One thing i wanted to know
« on: February 11, 2015, 09:11:57 AM »
Earlier, you complained about how nobody was answering your questions seriously, but what's the point in even asking us for advice if you're just gonna attack us with nonsensical personal insults and pretend not to listen when we do give you serious answers? This is clearly a troll thread. Not like I expected anything better from you anyway.~

WDL Discussion / Re: One thing i wanted to know
« on: February 10, 2015, 10:41:27 AM »
Refer to my first reply.

WDL Discussion / Re: One thing i wanted to know
« on: February 09, 2015, 08:48:28 AM »
"I'm the biggest asshole in Doom, but I demand everyone here to give me a concise, helpful and perfectly civil explanation on why it's a bad thing for me to be such an asshole, because I have the skills of a 4 years old when it comes to understanding social cues!"

WDL Discussion / Re: One thing i wanted to know
« on: February 08, 2015, 03:31:46 PM »
There's a very fundamental distinction between friendly smack talk and grimy bad manners. That's basically what it comes down to.

WDL Winter 2015 / Re: Week 3 - Map29 ZDECTF2-19 [Feb 9 - Feb 15] Discussion
« on: February 08, 2015, 10:40:57 AM »
While Map23 turned out badly for SUC, this familiar map may be a better place for the team in question to hone their veteran skills. NSP played a very impressive game against WUMBO last week, which goes to show that they are not to be underestimated. I actually expect NSP to perform their best performance of the regular season in this map, considering their line-up. SUC might play with equal strength, as Ralphis is definitely not gonna fall short on scores, while Bones keeps the fragging pressure on. Looking at how both teams tend to dynamically change their tactics according to the scores, I expect this to end as a tie.
SUC 1 - 1 NSP (3 rounds)

IdeIdoom proved to be a great substitute as he got the highest efficiency rating of his game from last week, becoming a fundamental player for SSG's victory. GPS may also have some breathing room in a map they're a lot more used to playing. However, given the match-up here, I'd say that the rising team SSG has a noticeable advantage. With regular practicing and learning the good strats of the map, SSG may comfortably take the win for this week.
SSG 2 - 0 GPS (3 rounds)

WDL Winter 2015 / Week 3 - Map29 ZDECTF2-19 [Feb 9 - Feb 15] Discussion
« on: February 07, 2015, 08:02:33 PM »
Week 3 - Map29 ZDECTF2-19
Feb 9 - Feb 15

(4 pts) Super Chargers [SUC] vs [NSP] None Shall Pass (3 pts)
Ralphis, HumanBones, Climhazzard, PerroNDoN vs Rude, DevastatioN, Xenaero, Nub_hat

(3 pts) Sunday School Gangsters [SSG] vs [GPS] Giant Pea Shooters (3 pts)
DemonSphere, Dragon, Dranzer, IdeIdoom vs Alt_Stab, Jwarrier, Legion, Starrk

(4 pts) Wumbologists [WUMBO] vs [SDC] Stardust Crusaders (7 pts)
Water, Yorick, Torvald, Denzoa vs Zakken, Wazzup, Tai, Alpha

WDL Winter 2015 / Re: Week 2 - Map23 RAGECTF10 [Feb 2 - Feb 8] Discussion
« on: February 06, 2015, 12:51:02 PM »
TL;DR: GPS is so free this week. :-X

281 News / Re: ATTN: Week 2 Map Change
« on: February 04, 2015, 01:09:17 PM »
I personally wanted to just modify Map14 as it is right now, but the decision to switch to a different map was probably for the best, given the circumstances. I don't understand why anyone would give Water crap for discovering the exploit in the first place -- it is clearly the map itself that's at fault. Had it been somebody else who found it, would you be criticizing their port origins and/or team status too? I, for one, would like to thank Water and his team for spotting this not-so-subtle problem before it could hinder the actual games.

As for the new map, it's quite nice, I think. Should provide some good games. May the most adaptable teams win!

WDL Winter 2015 / Re: Week 2 - Map23 RAGECTF10 [Feb 2 - Feb 8] Discussion
« on: February 04, 2015, 12:19:10 PM »
Even with the map change, my predictions haven't changed that much.

SUC 2 - 1 SSG (3 rounds)
WUMBO 2 - 0 NSP (2 rounds)

WDL Winter 2015 / Re: Week 2 - Map14 THIRTY4-09 [Feb 2 - Feb 8] Discussion
« on: February 03, 2015, 06:43:01 PM »
While this map seems to favor SSG's frag-heavy style, SUC's well-coordinated strats should prove to be a greater menace. The Ralph+Bones combo will instill terror over all teams through the entire season, and unless SUC goes easy on their opponents for round 2, I have good reason to believe this will be a blowout.
SUC 2 - 0 SSG (2 rounds)

Wumbo may have been off to a bad start, but I believe this will be a great opportunity for them to win and clench some points to keep them in a good standing placement. In a match-up where fragging powers look equivalent, what will decide the winner will be the team strats and good timing plays. While I see Wumbo performing good in that regard, NSP's seemingly messy setup does not look that positive in comparison. Might be a rough game, but Wumbo has the edge over the match here.
WUMBO 2 - 0 NSP (3 rounds)

I've been a great fan of these stats for a while, and it's good that they are finally explained in detail to the public at large. Good job as always, Water!

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