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Messages - Alt_Stab

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(0-0-2) Chocolate Doom Cadavers 4pts vs 3pts Giant Pea Shooters (1-1-0)

(1-0-1) The Dream Team 6pts vs 5pts Super Chargers (1-0-1)

(1-1-0) Super Dank Memes 4pts vs 2pts Sexual Panthers (0-2-0)

I think SXP is a tough matchup on this map, and I'm predicting a much needed 2-0 win for them.

WDL Fall 2016 / WEEK 3 - MAP16 Return to Phobos [SEP 26 - OCT 2] Discussion
« on: September 26, 2016, 08:55:06 AM »
WEEK 3 - MAP16 Return to Phobos
[SEP 26 - OCT 2]

(0-0-2) Chocolate Doom Cadavers 4pts vs 3pts Giant Pea Shooters (1-1-0)
(1-0-1) The Dream Team 6pts vs 5pts Super Chargers (1-0-1)
(1-1-0) Super Dank Memes 4pts vs 2pts Sexual Panthers (0-2-0)

WDL Fall 2016 / Re: WEEK 2 - MAP27 CORE28 [SEP 19 - SEP 25] Discussion
« on: September 22, 2016, 12:21:39 PM »
(0-1-0) Giant Pea Shooters 0pts vs 1pt Sexual Panthers (0-1-0)


(0-0-1) The Dream Team 2pts vs 4pts Super Dank Memes(1-0-0)

I think this is like, a perfect setup for TDT. It's pretty straightforward, lots of space to see everyone and cut em down like only DS and DevastatioN can do. There's won't be anywhere to hide for SDM. And Dinger's strenth in running is on a meat and potatoes map like this. It's just a get in, get out map. Not much finesse needed, only some ssg skill which Ding has plenty of. I think that SDM is talented enough, in a lot of the same ways, to make this close. But I lean towards TDT's two DM Gods taking control and getting the win here.

TDT 2-0

(0-0-1) Chocolate Doom Cadavers 2pts vs 3pts Super Chargers(1-0-0)

SUC is indeed back, but so is CDC. Or should I say CDC has just finally arrived? They certainly impressed a lot of us in last week's map, and I for one think they are for real. This might not be the map for them to show it though. Like I said before it's a lot of head-on ssg fragging, and I think Blair is gonna be tough to beat here. I think this will come down to who controls the powerup, and I think SUC will be able to do it. I say SUC wins this one, though not running away.

SUC 2-1

WDL Fall 2016 / Re: Week 1 - MAP08 ZDCTF08 [SEP 12 - SEP 18] Discussion
« on: September 15, 2016, 08:50:05 AM »
Team Starrk vs GPS

GPS Seasons  2 :doombrow 3 :doomgrin 4 :doomgrin2 5 :doomdead ...................... GPS Season 6 :doomgod


SXP has a monster team, partly thanks to moi. But SUC was very good with this same lineup a couple seasons ago, and they won't be pushovers. I think this will come down to who can put together the best offense. While it's possible that SUC could be overwhelmed by an SXP strategy of sheer brute force, SUC has a history of unconventional play, and I find it hard to believe they would let themselves go down in a head on collision like that. This could go either way in my mind, but since this is week 1 and Blair, Ralphis and Tony are like neighbors and shit, and have been playing together for the last decade, I think I'll give them the edge being that SXP hasn't had much time to develop their chemistry yet.

SUC wins in 3

Team Demonsphere vs Team Rude:

Obviously, these are two very different teams. Demonsphere, DevastatioN and Dingdang are flexing some impressive dueling muscles, and I won't be surprised if they try a frontal assault because of this. Team Rude looks a lot more offensive minded and really every player on the roster, except maybe Dranzer, is known mostly for their offense. So if this becomes a frag vs finesse matchup I think that timing and chemistry are going to be key for both teams. Dev and DS are practically telepathic with eachother, and the Dinger is like the Energizer bunny so DS will probably just wind him up and let him relentlessly attack. I could see that being hard to counteract. However, this is a map that Rude loves, and I know Dranzer can play some D here. Not sure if he'll play, but Dastan, aka The Moroccan Thunder, has been playing extremely well here too, so I think Team Rude has a chance. Same as the other matchup, I'm going to lean towards experience here in what could be a close matchup, so I'll say Team Demonsphere takes it.

Team Demonsphere wins in 3

WDL Fall 2016 / Week 1 - MAP08 ZDCTF08 [SEP 12 - SEP 18] Discussion
« on: September 13, 2016, 10:36:42 AM »
SEP 12 - SEP 18
Team Starrk vs GPS
Team DemonSphere vs Team Rude

Count me in for both.

WDL Fall 2016 / Re: Fall 2016 Signups
« on: August 14, 2016, 11:02:46 AM »
Name: Alt_Stab
Country: USA
Preferred contact: #wdl
Regular Availability: Most evenings

Other Stuff / Re: 2016 Servers
« on: July 18, 2016, 05:19:27 PM »
I'll throw in a standard $50  :psycash

Week 5 - RageCTF10 Map23
JUL 11 - JUL 17

(9 pts) The Dream Team [TDT]  vs [BST] Best Ever (12 pts)
Mr. Perfect, DingDang, Nati, TurSKA vs RoSKing, Starrk, FSN, Hopes

(8 pts) Sexual Panthers [SXP] vs [SUC] Super Chargers (4 pts)
HumanBones, Rude, Torvald, SlowDensity vs Caution, Tony, Alpha, Doofus

(4 pts) Giant Pea Shooters [GPS] vs [WUM] Wumbologists (11 pts)
Alt_Stab, Xenaero, Dranzer, Dastan vs Water, KBlair, Vondoom_Mcdoom, Jwarrier

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