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Messages - Zakken

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Week 5 Playoff Picture

1st. [SUC] Super Chargers
Clinched #3 seed or higher

#1 seed requirements:
- A 2-round win against PEE.
- A 3-round win against PEE if BST does not win in 2 rounds or if SXP and BSK win (one of them in 2 rounds).
- A tie against PEE if BST does not win.
- A 3-round loss against PEE if BST ties and SXP gains more points than QMP, or if GPS wins in 3 rounds.

#2 seed requirements:
- A 3-round win against PEE if BST wins in 2 rounds and SXP and BSK don't win (one of them in 2 rounds).
- A tie against PEE if BST wins.
- A 3-round loss against PEE if BST wins, or if BST ties and QMP gains more points than BSK, or if GPS wins in 2 rounds.
- A 2-round loss against PEE if GPS does not win in 3 rounds and BSK gains more points than QMP.

2nd. [BST] Best Ever
Clinched #3 seed or higher

#1 seed requirements:
- A 2-round win against GPS if SUC does not win in 2 rounds and SXP and BSK don't win (one of them in 2 rounds).
- A 3-round win against GPS if SUC does not win.
- A tie against GPS if SUC loses in 2 rounds, or if SUC loses in 3 rounds and QMP gains more points than SXP.

#2 seed requirements:
- A 2-round win against GPS if SUC wins in 2 rounds, or if SUC wins in 3 rounds and SXP and BSK win (one of them in 2 rounds).
- A 3-round win against GPS if SUC wins.
- A tie against GPS if SUC does not lose, or if SUC loses in 3 rounds and SXP gains more points than QMP.
- A 3-round loss against GPS if SUC loses in 2 rounds and SXP gains more points than QMP.

3rd. [GPS] Giant Pea Shooters
Clinched #5 seed or higher

#1 seed requirements:
- A 2-round win against BST if SUC loses in 2 rounds.

#2 seed requirements:
- A 2-round win against BST if SUC does not lose in 2 rounds.
- A 3-round win against BST.

#3 seed requirements:
- A tie against BST.
- A 3-round loss against BST if TPT vs SXP goes in 3 rounds, and QMP does not win in 2 rounds.
- A 2-round loss against BST if TPT and SXP tie, and QMP does not win.

#4 seed requirements:
- A 3-round loss against BST if TPT vs SXP goes in 2 rounds.
- A 2-round loss against BST if either a winner comes out of TPT vs SXP or QMP wins in 2 rounds.

4th. [SXP] Sexual Panthers
In playoff contention

#3 seed requirements:
- A 2-round win against TPT if GPS loses.
- A 3-round win against TPT if GPS loses in 2 rounds and QMP does not win in 2 rounds.

#4 seed requirements:
- A 2-round win against TPT if GPS does not lose.
- A 3-round win against TPT if either GPS does not lose in 2 rounds or QMP wins in 2 rounds.
- A tie against TPT if QMP does not win.

#5 seed requirements:
- A 3-round win against TPT if GPS does not lose in 2 rounds and QMP wins in 2 rounds.
- A tie against TPT if QMP wins.
- A 3-round loss against TPT if QMP loses in 3 rounds (or BSK wins in 2 rounds but PEE doesn't gain 2 or more points than BST) and PEE does not win in 2 rounds.

#6 seed requirements:
- A 3-round loss against TPT if either QMP does not lose (or BSK wins in 2 rounds and PEE gains 2 or more points than BST) or PEE wins in 2 rounds.
- A 2-round loss against TPT if BSK does not win in 3 rounds (if PEE gains more points than BST), and PEE does not win.

5th. [TPT] The Phantom Troupe
In playoff contention

#3 seed requirements:
- A 2-round win against SXP if GPS loses.
- A 3-round win against SXP if GPS loses in 2 rounds and QMP does not win in 2 rounds.

#4 seed requirements:
- A 2-round win against SXP if GPS does not lose.
- A 3-round win against SXP if either GPS does not lose in 2 rounds or QMP wins in 2 rounds.

#5 seed requirements:
- A 3-round win against SXP if GPS does not lose in 2 rounds and QMP wins in 2 rounds.
- A tie against SXP if QMP does not win.
- A 3-round loss against SXP if QMP loses in 3 rounds (or BSK wins in 2 rounds but GPS gains 2 or more points than PEE) and PEE does not win in 2 rounds.

#6 seed requirements:
- A tie against SXP if QMP wins.
- A 3-round loss against SXP if either QMP does not lose (or BSK wins in 2 rounds and GPS doesn't gain 2 or more points than PEE) or PEE wins in 2 rounds.
- A 2-round loss against SXP if BSK does not win in 3 rounds (if GPS doesn't gain 3 or more points than PEE), and PEE does not win.

6th. [QMP] Quantum Power
In playoff contention

#3 seed requirements:
- A 2-round win against BSK if GPS loses in 2 rounds and TPT vs SXP goes in 3 rounds.

#4 seed requirements:
- A 2-round win against BSK if either GPS does not lose in 2 rounds or TPT vs SXP goes in 2 rounds.
- A 3-round win against BSK if TPT and SXP tie.

#5 seed requirements:
- A 2-round win against BSK if GPS does not lose in 2 rounds and TPT vs SXP goes in 2 rounds.
- A 3-round win against BSK if a winner comes out of TPT vs SXP.
- A tie against BSK if a winner comes out of TPT vs SXP.
- A 3-round loss against BSK if TPT vs SXP goes in 2 rounds.

#6 seed requirements:
- A tie against BSK if TPT and SXP tie.
- A 3-round loss against BSK if TPT vs SXP goes in 3 rounds.

7th. [BSK] Berserker Packers
In playoff contention

#5 seed requirements:
- A 2-round win against QMP if TPT vs SXP goes in 2 rounds, otherwise if PEE gains 2 or more points than BST if SXP loses, or if GPS does not gain 2 or more points than PEE if TPT loses.

#6 seed requirements:
- A 2-round win against QMP if TPT vs SXP goes in 3 rounds and PEE does not gain 2 or more points than BST if SXP loses, or GPS gains 2 or more points than PEE if TPT loses.
- A 3-round win against QMP if TPT vs SXP goes in 2 rounds, PEE does not win in 2 rounds, and PEE gains more points than BST if SXP loses (or GPS does not gain 3 or more points than PEE if TPT loses).

8th. [PEE] Professional Esports Enthusiasts
In playoff contention

#6 seed requirements:
- A 2-round win against SUC if a winner comes out of TPT vs SXP and BSK does not win in 2 rounds.
- A 3-round win against SUC if TPT vs SXP goes in 2 rounds and BSK does not win.

WDL Winter 2018 / WEEK 5 - MAP14 CORE26 [MAR 12 - MAR 18] Discussion
« on: March 11, 2018, 04:45:35 PM »
Week 5 - MAP14: Mephitic Waste (CORE26)
March 12th - March 18th

Best Ever [BST]
RoSKing, Infer, Legion, Quiksilver
12 pts (3-1-0)
[GPS] Giant Pea Shooters
Alt+Stab, DevastatioN, Denzoa, ALMN
10 pts (2-1-1)

The Phantom Troupe [TPT]
Tai, Caution, Dastan, Starrk
7 pts (1-2-1)
[SXP] Sexual Panthers
HumanBones, Rude, Tony, Unknown
7 pts (1-2-1)

Berserker Packers [BSK]
Zakken, Halloween, SkullRush, OurHero
4 pts (1-3-0)
[QMP] Quantum Power
Dsparil, Dragon, Langrenus, im1hpu0
7 pts (1-1-2)

Super Chargers [SUC]
Ralphis, Jwarrier, Souler, Hugoxds
13 pts (3-0-1)
[PEE] Professional Esports Enthusiasts
razor, turSKA, Dranzer, PerroNDoN
4 pts (1-3-0)

WDL Discussion / Re: Your favourite matches from any season
« on: March 07, 2018, 11:06:02 PM »
i like the matches where i won
All 2 of them?

TPT gets the map author privilege and gives SUC their first loss of the season

GPS explodes and causes nuclear winter if Denzoa tilts, sends SXP to the shadow realm if he doesn't

BST bounces back from their last loss and barely beats QMP

WDL Discussion / Proposal of a few changes to the point system
« on: March 05, 2018, 01:33:39 PM »
The WDL's point system is one of the league's flagship features, having done a good job at ranking teams' performances since its beginning, but after much reflection, I believe it has some room for improvement.

Winning points are increased by 1. That would mean 3-round wins award you 4 points, whereas 2-round wins award you 5 points. The points awarded in other case scenarios remain the same.
2W: 4 pts -> 5 pts
3W: 3 pts -> 4 pts
T: 2 pts
3L: 1 pt
2L: 0 pts

Wins in the WDL aren't rewarded enough. Conversely, you could say ties and losses are rewarded too much, but since those are already the lowest possible integers, it's more intuitive to work with the winning numbers instead. Here is a couple of examples to illustrate my point:

Team A wins a match on 3 rounds, but then loses two other games on 2 rounds, ending up at 1-2-0 (3 points). Team B loses all three games on 3 rounds each, ending up at 0-3-0 (3 points). Anyone would say that Team A deserves to be ahead of Team B because they won one game while Team B lost all three, but they are both tied thanks to the point system as it is right now.

Team A wins 3 matches on 3 rounds, but then loses 2 matches on 2 rounds, ending their season at 3-2-0 (9 points). Team B ties all five matches, ending at 0-0-5 (10 points). You can say Team B didn't lose any matches, but they haven't won any either. Team A, on the other hand, worked their way to win more games than they lost. However, because of the current point system, Team B actually pulls ahead of Team A, because wins aren't valued as much as they should be!

- Teams on the upper echelon don't have to worry as much about lower teams using points from ties and 3-round losses to catch up to them;
- Lower teams have accentuated focus on nothing short of winning to pull through;
- Two ties still equal a victory, but not a flawless 2-round win, accruing more value to 2-round wins in general, and rendering ties slightly less valuable and desirable (but not too much).

- Games would provide 5 points in total, but ties would still only provide 4. That's not uncommon in certain sports, though.

Feedback is much appreciated, of course.

WDL Discussion / Your favourite matches from any season
« on: March 05, 2018, 11:11:12 AM »
What the title says. It can be matches you played, or matches you just spectated! I'll start:

My favourite Summer 2014 match was week 2 vs SUC (Ralphis, RottKing, Heks) on MAP06. I had Yorick and Legion in my team and it seemed like an underdog team on paper (I believe most teams were banking on SUC beating us), but in spite of losing round 1, we managed to mount a comeback and turned the game around as our very first victory in the league. I was especially happy considering Map06 isn't one of my strong suits, and my team did a stellar job backing me up, building a strong momentum that would last for the whole regular season.

My favourite from Winter 2015 was week 2 vs GPS (Alt_Stab, Jwarrier, Legion) on MAP23. We lost a close game 1, and I clearly remember Tai telling us we'd get them next time and to stick to our plan, which really helped me keep my worries in check and my mentality focused. We had a really good season overall, but this one particular game really made me glad I drafted Tai!!!

On Winter 2017, my favourite match was week 3 vs SUC (Ralphis, Dranzer, Hopes) on MAP18. It was our first game with a new teammate, Rude, and I was really excited to play this one, given how well-coordinated we were in practise. We overall played very optimally and it was still a close game, with a comeback similar to season 1's. Our playoff game vs SXP gets a honourable mention simply because of how intense it was, even though I played bad...

On Fall 2017, the one match I enjoyed the most was, yet again, against SUC (Ralphis, Jwarrier, Souler and SkullRush) on maps 28 and 08 in the playoff semifinals. We were down 0-2 and on the verge of elimination. I was tilted for a while, until I managed to talk myself into staying focused and envisioning a comeback, and as fate would have it, Caution jumpstarted the momentum shift by scoring a last-second cap on round 3. The rest of the game was still quite rough, but I'm so happy that I managed to pull off something that my past self of inferior mentality couldn't have. That whole season was a series of hard-earned matches, but this one was easily my hardest hurdle.

WDL Winter 2018 / WEEK 4 - MAP07 CORE09 [MAR 5 - MAR 11] Discussion
« on: March 04, 2018, 07:04:27 PM »
Week 4 - MAP07:  Obsidian Outpost (CORE09)
March 5th - March 11th

Professional Esports Enthusiasts [PEE]
razor, turSKA, Dranzer, PerroNDoN
4 pts (1-2-0)
[BSK] Berserker Packers
Zakken, Halloween, SkullRush, OurHero
0 pts (0-3-0)

The Phantom Troupe [TPT]
Tai, Caution, Dastan, Starrk
7 pts (1-1-1)
[SUC] Super Chargers
Ralphis, Jwarrier, Souler, Hugoxds
9 pts (2-0-1)

Sexual Panthers [SXP]
HumanBones, Rude, Tony, Unknown
5 pts (1-2-0)
[GPS] Giant Pea Shooters
Alt+Stab, DevastatioN, Denzoa, ALMN
8 pts (2-1-0)

Best Ever [BST]
RoSKing, Infer, Legion, Quiksilver
8 pts (2-1-0)
[QMP] Quantum Power
Dsparil, Dragon, Langrenus, im1hpu0
7 pts (1-0-2)

WDL Winter 2018 / Re: World Doom League Winter 2018 Highlight video
« on: March 03, 2018, 05:55:09 PM »
Not a bad idea. The sole fact we'd see footage from various maps would add a ton of variety to the video and provide more entertainment, especially for outsiders.

Off the top of my head:
TPT's Dastan RJ cap on week 1
One of Rude's runs on week 1
One of Razor's runs on week 2

Other Stuff / Re: ya'll gotta clam down
« on: February 27, 2018, 11:10:43 PM »

WDL Winter 2018 / WEEK 3 - MAP12 THIRTY4-16 [FEB 26 - MAR 4] Discussion
« on: February 25, 2018, 04:14:58 PM »
Week 3 - MAP12:  N's...Manse of Destruction (THIRTY4-16)
February 26th - March 4th

Quantum Power [QMP]
Dsparil, Dragon, Langrenus, im1hpu0
4 pts (0-0-2)
[PEE] Professional Esports Enthusiasts
razor, turSKA, Dranzer, PerroNDoN
3 pts (1-1-0)

Sexual Panthers [SXP]
HumanBones, Rude, Tony, Unknown
2 pts (0-2-0)
[BST] Best Ever
RoSKing, Infer, Legion, Quiksilver
7 pts (2-0-0)

Giant Pea Shooters [GPS]
Alt+Stab, DevastatioN, Denzoa, ALMN
8 pts (2-0-0)
[TPT] The Phantom Troupe
Tai, Caution, Dastan, Starrk
3 pts (0-1-1)

Super Chargers [SUC]
Ralphis, Jwarrier, Souler, Hugoxds
5 pts (1-0-1)
[BSK] Berserker Packers
Zakken, Halloween, SkullRush, OurHero
0 pts (0-2-0)

WDL Stats/Rule Changes / Re: Country representation
« on: February 21, 2018, 12:04:23 PM »
Fun fact: Winter 2018 is the first season where USA doesn't take up more than half of the player list. Mexico also takes second place as the largest representative of any season, with a 12.82% showing for that same season.

WDL Fall 2017 / Re: Week 4 Highlights
« on: February 19, 2018, 11:03:45 AM »
Good stuff, Perro!!!

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