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Author Topic: Aaron "DemonSphere" Emge  (Read 43338 times)


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Re: Aaron "DemonSphere" Emge
« Reply #30 on: September 25, 2017, 08:30:22 AM »
Sincere condolences to Aaron's family and his closest friends among you guys. It was a shock waking up to the sad news today. He seemed so active and cheerful on various Discord channels just a few days ago. Rest in peace.


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Re: Aaron "DemonSphere" Emge
« Reply #31 on: September 25, 2017, 08:47:18 AM »
So long DS.
You will be missed


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Re: Aaron "DemonSphere" Emge
« Reply #32 on: September 25, 2017, 09:01:04 AM »
Really only had met DS at Quakecon this year.  Afterwards started chatting with him in discord, and got my ass thoroughly kicked by him in Doom 2.  He was a really nice guy ... gonna miss him.


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Re: Aaron "DemonSphere" Emge
« Reply #33 on: September 25, 2017, 10:31:14 AM »
I am in complete disbelief. DS was such an amazing guy, and such a great part of the community. It's awful to see you go like this, especially because it was so unexpected. You're in a better place now, may you rest in peace man.


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Re: Aaron "DemonSphere" Emge
« Reply #34 on: September 25, 2017, 11:03:45 AM »
I woke up this morning and I still can't believe it. I flew out to Philly almost exactly a year ago for Ralph's wedding, and me, Starrk, Bones and Aaron just partied for like four days straight, and we really bonded. That dude is so funny, and he seemed so happy. He was such a great dude, and such a good friend, and so fucking good at everything he did, Doom, Quake, whatever. I can't believe that's it, he's just fucking gone man. Never gonna see him or talk to him again. So sad. Such a tragedy. Wish I could have talked to him first. Condolences for his family, I know his dad has gotta be broken right now. Jesus fucking Christ. Love you DS. Wish you didn't have to do this. RIP.


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Re: Aaron "DemonSphere" Emge
« Reply #35 on: September 25, 2017, 12:01:57 PM »
It is always so sad to see such a kind and loved person go like this, I guess no one could imagine what was going through his head, depression really sucks. I did not know him very well, we had a few TS conversations and lots of CTF/Duel games, but everyone could say he was a really nice person, a great friend and one of the most talented doomers in history.

Don't hold your thoughts to yourself, ask for help. Remember that you do matter, and that you can count on your friends and family for the support you need to get through bad times.

Rest in peace DS, you will be truly missed by all of us.


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Re: Aaron "DemonSphere" Emge
« Reply #36 on: September 25, 2017, 12:04:00 PM »
condolences to friends and family

we've all had our silly arguments and disagreements, but we can all come together and agree that DS was a great guy and didn't deserve this, very sad and unfortunate

RIP Geno


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Re: Aaron "DemonSphere" Emge
« Reply #37 on: September 25, 2017, 12:49:03 PM »
Gonna dedicate beating Doom on the hard difficulties, something we were supposed to do together. This one is for you champ.


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Re: Aaron "DemonSphere" Emge
« Reply #38 on: September 25, 2017, 12:49:17 PM »
I had a hard time sleeping last night, as I'm sure many of us did. It really did not hit me until I was laying in the dark trying to fall asleep. My mind has been flooded with thoughts of the time I was able to spend with Aaron, particularly at Ralph's wedding. Like Stab said, the three of us and Starrk spent the entire 4 days together and we really bonded and got to know each other. Aaron did not get his own hotel room so he slept on the little couch in mine, and we spent each night talking ourselves to sleep.

Those 4 days were absolutely some of the most fun I've ever had in my entire life, and I hope he felt the same way. At the end of the trip I got to spend time at the airport with him and Stab as we all waited for our planes. He was just a real down to earth, friendly and funny kid and it was at the airport we conceived the WDL Radio "on camera" idea. Somehow I talked him into coming on and he became a regular, we had so many laughs.

I hope he has found some peace now, because someone like him truly deserves it. Some day, I know he will be kicking my ass at doom again. RIP


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Re: Aaron "DemonSphere" Emge
« Reply #39 on: September 25, 2017, 01:25:42 PM »
As soon as i have learned about this i started dropping tears...

Me and DS go a little way back and i kinda feel like an absolute piece of shit right now for being in very bad terms with him in the past 9 months , i wish i could just apology for all the bullshit i have said to him during the last wdl and would have done something to prevent this from happening...

I knew he was depressed back to 2014 but i thought he had overcome his depression and that makes me feel even worse , it's been years since i have mourned another doomer's death and i wish it never had to happen again...

I still remember when i would be shitting on everyone in duel32 and he would come and ruin my winning sprees by stomping the shit outta of me and i would get fucking upset but deep down i truly respected him as a fellow hardcore duelist and one of the few who could take me in a a serious 100 frags judas23... It makes me sad that he went to Heaven in bad terms with me and i will never have a chance to say how truly sorry i am and how i respected him as a player , friend and tutor since i always learned new things while dueling him...

I could stay typing forever but i am crying while i type this so i will leave it be as it is for now...

R.i.p [RFA]Geno hope u find in Heaven what you could not in this world...

I need some time away from doom, Polie's death already hit me hard enough...

GL UD boys love u bald fucks


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Re: Aaron "DemonSphere" Emge
« Reply #40 on: September 25, 2017, 01:28:37 PM »
Having known him for years online and recently meeting him for the first time in real life last year, it's pretty unbelievable that he's gone. He was an extremely talented and cool person, it really sucks to hear this. Rest in peace.


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Re: Aaron "DemonSphere" Emge
« Reply #41 on: September 25, 2017, 02:55:31 PM »
One of my fondest memories with DS and many others was when we played priv right after the second WDL draft, and then practised a lot throughout the season. Everyone was clearly enjoying the game so much, and I'm sure we were all happy to have him be an invaluable part of this competitive community for many of those years. Thanks for all of the games, friend...


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Re: Aaron "DemonSphere" Emge
« Reply #42 on: September 25, 2017, 03:23:03 PM »
Wow... RIP man. He was always such a great guy to play. I hope youve found peace mate :(


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Re: Aaron "DemonSphere" Emge
« Reply #43 on: September 25, 2017, 04:04:57 PM »
Barely know what to say, barely feels real to me.

As a player, easily one of the best I've had the pleasure to play with or play against. I don't think it's a coincidence that some of my best seasons as a captain for a CTF team was when DS was on them (no, neither was in WDL lolz, one season didn't even finish!).

As a person, very chill, very funny, wish I got to meet him at QuakeCon or elsewhere, and I'm crushed that will never happen now. I couldn't even imagine how his closest friends and family feel.

And guys, I fucking love all y'all. I've been part of the Doom community since at least 1999, even tho I can be an ass in-game (and hope to continue to lol), there's no telling deep down what it means to me, from Doom Connector to Zdaemon to WDL. Whatever happens, I got your back, we have your back. Don't ever forget that.

RIP DS, maybe someday man....


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Re: Aaron "DemonSphere" Emge
« Reply #44 on: September 25, 2017, 04:50:30 PM »
This is heartbreaking. I just played against him for the first time in many years and got summarily rekt, just like I did 7 years ago. RIP dude, you will be missed. Here are a few videos he recorded of me playing against him in 2010. One of the only people who managed to make me rage: