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Author Topic: WEEK 2 - MAP22 - THIRTY7-22 [JUN 22 - JUN 28] Discussion  (Read 10883 times)


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WEEK 2 - MAP22 - THIRTY7-22 [JUN 22 - JUN 28] Discussion
« on: June 21, 2020, 06:06:52 PM »
Week 2 - MAP22: Gargantuan Retarded (THIRTY7-22)
June 22nd - June 28th

Best Ever [BST]
RoSKing, ACC, Skullrush, Darkion
4 pts (1-0-0)
[DMS] Demon SlayerS
Alpha, Hatedaddy, Halloween, Dranzer
1 pts (0-1-0)

Super Chargers [SUC]
Ralphis, KBlair, ThatsJustPrime, Souler
3 pts (1-0-0)
[TBW] The Broomstick Warriors
DevastatioN, Asriel, Jwarrier, Godlike
3 pts (1-0-0)

Sexual Panthers [SXP]
HumanBones, Dragon, Tobi, ShadowStalker
4 pts (1-0-0)
[SBR] Steel Ball Runners
Zakken, Caution, Legion, Frandaemon
1 pts (0-1-0)

Ô Blésq Blom [BQB]
Infer, Starrk, Cartel, Dsparil
0 pts (0-1-0)
[GPS] Giant Pea Shooters
Alt+Stab, GhostKiller, Xenaero, Denzoa
0 pts (0-1-0)

Tai's Only Fans [TOF]
Tai, Dastan, Edd, Galactus
3 pts (1-0-0)
[RIP] Rip N Tear
Stall, Chain, Avc, Shane
1 pts (0-1-0)
« Last Edit: June 21, 2020, 06:08:50 PM by -Alpha- »


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Re: WEEK 2 - MAP22 - THIRTY7-22 [JUN 22 - JUN 28] Discussion
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2020, 08:56:37 AM »
Now that we've had a chance to look at every team, here's how I see this week playing out.

Best Ever vs Demon SlayerS
The Demon SlayerS had a decent showing against TOF and were at least able to pick up a point in their loss. It appears that there is a making of a good team there. They have 4 capable players and I'd also love to see them find a way to get Dosu into the mix as well. They have time to build this season and hopefully they can pull it together for a playoff run.

Unfortunately, that feel good story doesn't start this week. As usual, the reigning champ RoSKing has put together a hell of a team and made quick work of his protege in the opening week. Greater challenges likely lie ahead for BST, but it won't be this week. DS will play formidably, but fall to BST.

BST 2-0

Sexual Panthers vs Steel Ball Runners
A juicy matchup between the Bones-led SXP and the Zakken-led SBR. SXP was able to secure a two round victory over a solid GPS squad in the opening week, while SBR fell to SUC.

Both teams have the tools here. SXP has the Bones/Dragon combo that has had a lot of success in the past. Tobi is a prospect that looks to be coming along. ShadowStalker is a great player that might see some action this week as well.

Zakken and Caution are two captain-level players that are looking to build more synergy as the season chugs along. Legion has been a mainstay on starting rosters for years at this point. SBR also recently picked up Fran from Free Agency so it'll be interesting to see if he gets any run.

Tough call. I think this will be a close game with randomness playing a big factor. SXP gets a close, hard fought win.

SXP 2-1

Ô Blésq Blom vs Giant Pea Shooters
This game ensures one thing - only one team can possibly finish this season with 0 points in the standings. Both teams suffered disappointing 2 round losses to start the season and have an opportunity to get back on track here.

There's no way around it, BQB was caught off guard and embarrassed in week 1. Yes, the team fell to BST in under 9 minutes. Is that the nail in the coffin? No, absolutely not. BQB has a rookie captain in Infer and he is surely going through the growing pains that many new captains do. Last week, he dealt with a major roster shakeup only 24 hours before the team's season opener. With a full week to work with Cartel and Starrk, I expect a much better showing.

On the other side of the map, Alt+Stab is one of the most tenured captains around. This is his 9th consecutive season as a captain so he understands when changes need to be made. Week 1 was turbulent. GPS is a team of 4 bonafide starters with large personalities - managing that is the key to success. SXP ran all over GPS in the first round of week 1 and then Stab changed to the XENZOA lineup for the second round. They came out of the gate up two flags but weren't able to hold SXP off for the entire round. Denzoa, Ghostkiller, and Xenaero are all strong players and Stab needs to figure out how to get them on the same page going forward. If he can, they will win. If he can't, this could be another cautionary tale of the "super team". I think they pull it together in the twilight hour and win in a close, 3-round game over BQB.

GPS 2-1

Tai's Only Fans vs Rip N Tear
Likely game of the week.

RIP was already part of what many onlookers considered an upset in week 1. The Boomstick Warriors handed RIP their first loss out of the gate. This was a surprise to many as RIP has been projected as the team to beat since the draft. Having watched this game back twice already, RIP did not play poorly but were simply overwhelmed by the offense of rookie Asriel. RIP is no joke - they're a team of highly competitive top level players and should be expected to get back on track.

However, they're going against TOF who has already been smashing teams (namely, mine) in practice. This map is practically built for TOF and they have a lot of experience on it. TOF was projected by many preseason prognosticators to be a middle of the pack team. If they lose this game, that could possibly hold true. Don't count on it though because TOF is winning this week's game with authority. In fact, they're going to win this game in two rounds and continue to shake up the league-wide expectations for this season.

RIP is going to make the playoffs with a nice seed and possibly go deep. They're going to be fine because they're simply too talented, experienced, and smart. But reality can be cruel: RIP is going to start the season 0-2. Lock of the week.

TOF 2-0


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Re: WEEK 2 - MAP22 - THIRTY7-22 [JUN 22 - JUN 28] Discussion
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2020, 12:43:13 PM »
Best Ever vs Demon SlayerS
I just don't see DMS have a chance here really, sorry DMS. I would love for you guys to clutch a point here, but BST is simply too coordinated. I've played with Cab in the past, both in league-play and with R. I think I can safely say that Cab is one of the easiest players to work with on voice and he has grade A(+) communication, calls and strategy.

BST 2 - 0

Super Chargers vs The Broomstick Warriors
Game of the week in my opinion. After seeing how SUC played in practice and then how they played in their actual game. I just don't know how they're gonna play this, at all. Ralphis has a way to put out, in my opinion, very unorthodox tactics. And most of the time it works!
But perhaps TBW is the team, to have such playstyle, to beat these guys.
This map is about item control. Who do you want on your team when it comes to a map about item control? Yes - Jwarrier. That man has in my opinion the best item control in the multiplayer Doom community, closely followed by no other than DevastatioN. This means TBW has what I think are the two best item-controlling players this game has to offer. TBW has all the potential in the world to fully, and I mean fully, control the pace of the game. If they manage, I honestly think they would win this 2 - 0. But because of Ralphis' ****** up way of putting up teamplay, I think they'll manage to snatch one round from TBW, after which TBW won't be happy and come back for the other two.

TBW 2 - 1

Ô Blésq Blom vs Giant Pea Shooters
The game of the "fallen titans". Both of them are sure as hell looking to rise up from their previous week's 0-2 losses.
I can't actually predict really at all here who I think will win, but I suppose I'll give it a try.
BQB needs to get one thing down in my opinion if they want to get back into this league, and that's defence. They get that, then they're good to go. Infer is similar to Cab in playstyle, yet so different. What I mean by that is that they have a way of simply knowing where to be at the right time, almost all the time. They got game sense like no other. Making them the most valuable players out there. Outsmarting these players is most of the time, not even worth trying.
GPS on the other hand have such raw power, on paper, it's insane. Denzoa and Xenaero has incredible aim and I think Ralphis put together a great name for a combo that could become extremely powerful: Xenzoa
Get Xenzoa down, make it work, or I see BQB take this win.

BQB 2 - 1

Tai's Only Fans vs Rip N Tear
Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy... Where do I start?
People who know me really really well... Should know that I have a sweet spot for a truly good defender. Stall is one of those. I just don't want to see him do anything else but defending because I think he does that magnificently, obviously that's not always the case because you have to do what works best for the team. But the way I look at it, I think RIP has one way I believe being superior over any other way of playing, and that is to station Stall at defence, Shane at mid and AVC on offense. We've seen AVC do some absolute crazy runs and with the help of Shane, they can do wonders.

On the other hand, you have a very similar team on red side... TOF.
TOF have an advantage in the middle here in my opinion, because Edd is a truly good player, an absoulte top player, but only when he feels like it. "Edd cares - Edd wins" pretty much. Does Edd have what it takes to carry this victory home? Well judging from my pervious statement, I think he does, if he cares to...
But it won't be easy. I think RIP has an advantage, even if small, on both of the remaining positions. So if RIP gets their game down, they will indeed Rip N Tear, if not... "Edd cares - Edd wins".

TOF 2 - 1
« Last Edit: June 24, 2020, 12:46:20 PM by Dragon »


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Re: WEEK 2 - MAP22 - THIRTY7-22 [JUN 22 - JUN 28] Discussion
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2020, 08:05:11 AM »
Super Chargers vs The Broomstick Warriors

I haven't seen much out of TBW, so it's going to be hard for me to really gauge how this match ultimately ends up, Josh and Dev I know will do really well on comms, and i'm sure that they can make something work out. I know Josh can time items, however i'm not aware of how persistent he is to continously pursue the item once giving out the timing (item's up in x amount of time, be aware, etc...)

Having practiced with SUC and conditioning them to a different playstyle that I feel they wouldn't have adapted to otherwise, I feel very confident in them and I think they will use that momentum to their advantage going forward.

SUC 2 - 1 TBW

Sexual Panthers vs Steel Ball Runners

I haven't seen anything out of SXP so again this will be hard to gauge, I've witnesseed SBR and all I can really say about them is that they are hot mess. I'm sure they can figure something out, but as of right now it's not showing....

SXP 2 - 1 SBR

Ô Blésq Blom vs Giant Pea Shooters

This match is a toss up to me, both teams are strong on paper and it's going to purely come down to synergy. I have faith in bruno(infer) being able to synergize better with his team and clutching it out, and i look for this to be a great match.

BQB 2 - 1 GPS

Tai's Only Fans vs Rip N Tear

I've witnessed both teams practice, and based off of what I'm seeing I have to say that this is going to be game of the week for me. I'm favoring RIP because I think they're going to have more synergy and coordination moving into the game but TOF definitely has the power to pressure RIP into playing a more safer route which might overwhelm them enough. Having said that I'm still going to place my money on RIP here, they have been putting in the hard work and I believe they will reap their benefits this week.

RIP 2 - 1 TOF