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Author Topic: Stat explanation of efficiency, power, and what it practically means  (Read 9148 times)


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Note: This post is designed mainly for information rather than looking for a response, but if you have any questions feel free to ask.

The WDL site has been a work-in-progress for many months. Hopefully today it will go fully online. For anyone interested in seeing it before-hand, you can go to to view everything. I would like to note that the site will be constantly evolving and will result in bug fixes, new tables, new stats...etc. For those that have already seen the game stats, you know that there is a lot of data. While most of it is common sense (minus some cryptic three letter headers that I hope to clear up soon), two main statistics have people generally confused because the formula isn't posted, or even with the formula I'm sure a vast majority of you will wonder what it means. Both I plan to cover:

Similar to the name, efficiency is a deterministic percentage of how efficient you are in the game relative to everyone else. Are you the fragger, or the guy getting outfragged? Are you the toucher or the guy getting compressed back into your base? Are you the capturer, or the guy who can't capture? Efficiency as a percentage is designed to show some insight into how powerful of a player you were in that round. It is not a fool-proof method, and nothing is. Humans are dynamic and can exploit various tactics to ensure they will get a capture point. If you camp in a tunnel for half the match and get a point, you will not have killed anyone and only captured once. It may win you the game, but there isn't really any statistical way without some kind of AI revolution to award you for your hard work. Due to the high competitive nature of this league, it most likely won't happen. Even on ZDCTF07 when Climhazzard held the flag for almost the entire game, he still had a higher efficiency than his other team-mate.

Efficiency is calculated much like ZD points, but there's some small tweaks. Each player has a sum of points, which is calculated by a sum of the following:
- Frags
- Flag returns
- Damage / 100
- Flag carrier damage / 25
- Assists * 2
- Pickup captures * 3
- Captures * 5
- Power pickups * 2
- Touches
- Pickup touches

A power pickup is a soul/mega/blue armor pickup
An assist is a reward for the original flag toucher for bringing the flag out of the base but having someone else capture it

From this, you get an allotted amount of points. Your "efficiency percentage" is your points, divided by the average of everyone.

Damage instead of frags
We chose to use damage instead of frags because it rewards mid players better. Mid is supposed to damage and let the defence harvest their souls. We've found that using this method rewards mid much more and has given much more accurate mid statistics thus far. Therefore, for a 1 to 1 kill to point ratio, damage is divided by 100. To reward flag carrier damage, the reasonable number we found to work through practice was 4 points per carrier kill. Therefore using the damage done to a carrier, it's divided by 25 instead of 100 (which is equal to multiplying by four).

What does this indicate?
Efficiency is how strong you are relative to everyone else. 100% is the average amount, which means that you provided the same strength to your team as the other person did. If you are less than 100%, that means other players on average were playing better than you because they got more frags, defenses, touches or *something* to drive their team towards victory. Just because you may have gotten less than 100% doesn't mean you did bad. If someone in your team is sitting at some insane number like 180%, that means he's consuming a ton of the point spectrum (because this is an average), and you should really compare yourselves with other members of the team.

One funny way to view this is to look at other players percentages. If someone has 50%, that means they would likely need two of themselves on the same team to equal one person's skill in that round. Someone with 200% efficiency was most likely someone equal to two players that round (mathematically, probably more).

Power percent is how strong your team drove against the other team. It is defined by this formula:

For LaTeX users:
Code: [Select]
\sqrt{(\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n} r_i}{n})^3} \cdot \sqrt[4]{\prod_{i=1}^{n} r_i}

- R is a ratio value
- I is an index of an enumerated ratio

In this case, we have 3 ratios (so n is 3), where ratio 1 = flag touches, 2 = frags, 3 = captures

The formula above was derived from comparing ratios and graphing out how teams did over multiple games. The final result may look a bit weird (in case you are wondering why were using a quad root over product notation, but it was a result of a formula that converged on itself and was simplified.

In short, your power percent is a comparision of how strong your touches/frags/captures were to the enemy team.

A higher power percentage than 100% means that you put more pressure on the enemy team because you outfragged, outtouched, and likely outcaptured them. If both teams were around 100%, that means it was likely two evenly matched teams, and the winning team just made smarter plays (or got really lucky if it was a one capture difference).

It is possible for a team to have a power rating under 100% and still win. How is that possible? It's hard, because it means you had more captures but got outfragged and outtouched really badly -- badly enough that your deficit in touches and fragging somehow was outweighed by your capture divided by the enemy capture ratio. This indicates you made only smart plays and had really good team coordination to be able to fight against a team that was touching your flag way more than you were and slaughtering your team.

In summary:
  • Efficiency is your own personal amount of how strong you were at your position relative to everyone else in the game (not just your team)
  • Power is how much pressure your team put on the other team
  • While power is a much more definitive statistic than efficiency in terms of saying who was the stronger team, efficiency does map you as best as we can determine to how well you performed in the match in a straightforward way
« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 04:20:05 PM by Water »


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Re: Stat explanation of efficiency, power, and what it practically means
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2015, 10:33:18 AM »
This stat system is definitely more detailed and accurate than Ladna's system ever was. This is really nice. GJ and thx Water. :D


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Re: Stat explanation of efficiency, power, and what it practically means
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2015, 03:32:10 PM »
I've been a great fan of these stats for a while, and it's good that they are finally explained in detail to the public at large. Good job as always, Water!