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Author Topic: Week 3 - MAP30 ZDU30 [FEB 01 - FEB 07] Discussion  (Read 15008 times)


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Week 3 - MAP30 ZDU30 [FEB 01 - FEB 07] Discussion
« on: January 29, 2016, 09:31:22 PM »
Week 3 -  MAP30 ZDU30
Feb 01 - Feb 07

(4 pts) Super Chargers [SUC] vs [OVS] OverratedScumWads (1 pts)
Ralphis, KBlair, Climhazzard, IdeIdoom vs Alpha, TurSKA, Xenaero, PerroNDoN

(5 pts) Doom Enforcement Agency [DEA] vs [SXP] Sexual Panthers (6 pts)
DemonSphere, Denzoa, Wazzup, Starrk vs. HumanBones, Rude, Torvald, Dranzer

(4 pts) The Regulators [REG] vs [GPS] Giant Pea Shooters (4 pts)
JWarrier, Legion, X-Ray, Goblin vs. Alt_Stab, DevastatioN, Heks, DingDang


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Re: Week 3 - MAP30 ZDU30 [FEB 01 - FEB 07] Discussion
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2016, 07:15:39 PM »
my fury from the disconnect will be evident


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Re: Week 3 - MAP30 ZDU30 [FEB 01 - FEB 07] Discussion
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2016, 07:20:08 AM »
dude idk


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Re: Week 3 - MAP30 ZDU30 [FEB 01 - FEB 07] Discussion
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2016, 03:39:48 PM »
SUC vs OVS (2-0 SUC favorite)

Looks like a map that would be in SUC's favor. Ralph coming off a heartbreaking loss last week to his rival Bones, so I'm sure he's gonna come out guns blazing this week. I can see Blair being able to solo D and Tony and Ralph putting an insane amount of pressure on OVS. I really want to root for OVS and have them get a W here, but I just don't see it happening. Best lineup would be Xen D, alpha mid and turSKA O, as turSKA really turned it up last week if you nomtombot. Niggas gonna need a miracle if they're gonna beat SUC, let's see if they can do it but otherwise, SUC 2-0.

REG vs GPS (GPS 2-1)

REG coming off a tough loss last week too, but GPS is starting to shape up to be a well rounded team. Jwar and Dev should provide a spectacular defensive matchup, it will be up to REG's O and GPS' O to get the flag out to mid for a score. Maybe Legion will leave McDonald's wifi and be able to stay in the game. Maybe it's Maybelline. Got a good feeling leaning towards GPS, but don't be surprised if it's not a clear cut win. GPS 2-1.




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Re: Week 3 - MAP30 ZDU30 [FEB 01 - FEB 07] Discussion
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2016, 04:49:11 PM »
Week 3 - Redemption II , after both teams losing last week, this week is the redemption to turn it all around. I know SUC is boiling hot to overturn their loss. My team was at the peak of last week as well, and I hope with this sight of hope of winning, we can bring on the heat as well and win o//////

A main event of gun power on both ends this week. DS is going to hold D here pretty good imo. Bones will also have a clean ship defending the flag here as well. Wazzup is pretty great on offense, but I don't see the RJ skills for easy caps. Rude on the other hand, was a phenomenon last week with his offense, DS and I couldn't believe it on ts lol. It just comes down to wherever or not either mid player is there at the right moment for clearence or just a pickup. But I see this a tight game due to heavy frag power, could go either way.
SXP 2-1

An offensive all-round team (only if legion doesn't timeout) vs A defensive sneaky team (experience from last week loss :/). I just see REG here winning because X-Ray knows how to RJ better than anyone from GPS' team. It just comes to legion whether or not he will timeout when x-ray needs his assistance. But GPS can turn it out around as well, don't doubt them, they can have their ssgs right up on your doorsteps.
From uncertainty, 1-1-1 Tie !


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Re: Week 3 - MAP30 ZDU30 [FEB 01 - FEB 07] Discussion
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2016, 12:20:25 PM »
 Hey it's map 30, my old friend. I've come to play on you again...

[SUC] vs [OVS]
Alright, after watching Turska and Dev go head to head last week, I can safely say that I have been "wow'd" for the first time in my doom career. OVS may have had a shaky start, but this definitely looks far from over. SUC comes raining in as a solid team unshaken by last week and ready to have at it again. I think SUC will bring unquestionable challenge for OVS, but at the end of the day I have to root for the underdogs, I want to see Turska turn on that overwhelming force again and haul his team to victory like a freight train. With that being said my vote goes to OVS 2 - 1 SUC. It will be a tight game if both teams go at it like rams, which is what I'm hoping for; leave the crowd roaring in excitement.

[DEA] vs [SXP]
Suicide by maple syrup is without a doubt - in the realm of possibilities. DEA 0-0 SXP

[REG] vs [GPS]
If Legion's ISP doesn't play keep away with his internet, this will be a wonderfully balanced 3v3 match. A heavy fragging team against a smart fragging team, so many possibilities. I was and still am torn on this, I genuinely believe either team could win based on their play styles, but if I absolutely had to choose, I'd lean towards REG because of their presence on frag maps being absurd. I Think REG will have the slight fragging edge over GPS (Again, this comes down to Legion being part of the dynamics) which could make the difference between 1 cap. REG 2 - 1 GPS


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Re: Week 3 - MAP30 ZDU30 [FEB 01 - FEB 07] Discussion
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2016, 11:36:09 PM »
Week 3 - Redemption II , after both teams losing last week, this week is the redemption to turn it all around. I know SUC is boiling hot to overturn their loss. My team was at the peak of last week as well, and I hope with this sight of hope of winning, we can bring on the heat as well and win o//////

A main event of gun power on both ends this week. DS is going to hold D here pretty good imo. Bones will also have a clean ship defending the flag here as well. Wazzup is pretty great on offense, but I don't see the RJ skills for easy caps. Rude on the other hand, was a phenomenon last week with his offense, DS and I couldn't believe it on ts lol. It just comes down to wherever or not either mid player is there at the right moment for clearence or just a pickup. But I see this a tight game due to heavy frag power, could go either way.
SXP 2-1

An offensive all-round team (only if legion doesn't timeout) vs A defensive sneaky team (experience from last week loss :/). I just see REG here winning because X-Ray knows how to RJ better than anyone from GPS' team. It just comes to legion whether or not he will timeout when x-ray needs his assistance. But GPS can turn it out around as well, don't doubt them, they can have their ssgs right up on your doorsteps.
From uncertainty, 1-1-1 Tie !