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Author Topic: On getting more Maps and Community Involvement in the WDL  (Read 9204 times)


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On getting more Maps and Community Involvement in the WDL
« on: October 28, 2016, 02:13:09 PM »
I have a few propositions (small !) that I think would do a number of positive things for the WDL and Doom community at large

Basically, we are not realizing our potential by using only 1 wad and 32 maps. -- Doom CTF maps have been around for 15+? years now, there are hundreds, and we are limiting ourselves to 32. The 32 that are in have been deemed the "best" , "most popular".  And dont get me wrong, they are there for a reason and are all top quality maps. But we know there are COUNTLESS other great maps that should see competitive play. 

Im proposing that every season, 1 week should be played on a map OUTSIDE of wdl2016.wad .   This could be from any ctf wad--- OR EVEN BETTER, any map that is proposed to the WDL

The idea is to entice the mapping community into making maps for WDL.  So we will

  • keep our 32 map wad, and continue to make changes as fits
  • every season an auxilliary map pool is made, call it "season 6 auxiliary map pool" for example. It would be a pool of maps submitted by mappers, or maps with popular support
  • 1 submitted map from the auxiliary pool is chosen to be in the regular season
  • maps that do not make it in the regular season are still available as homefield picks

and on a smaller note

  • proposing the ability to CHANGE your homefield pick if you reach the Championship.  So you made the playoffs eh ?  Great job, pick any map you please.. Wait whats this? You made the final ??? Feel free to pick again if you so please you fucking sexy beast

Ideally you would have a never-before-seen, quality map(s) being showcased at the WDL every season.  WDL WOULD BE EXTRA SPICY  :psycash :psycash :psycash

Oh and you wouldn't even have to change server :)    Odamex rules!


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Re: On getting more Maps and Community Involvement in the WDL
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2017, 05:48:58 PM »
Reminds me of the mapping contests the IDL used to run which had mixed results. While there were maps that were 'winners' and put into the wad, they eventually got removed after time because they really weren't that good and making a good ctf map is like half dumb luck. Making a good map with longevity is even harder. Just make sure Fastidious never creates anything.


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Re: On getting more Maps and Community Involvement in the WDL
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2017, 08:15:57 PM »
Just make sure Fastidious never creates anything.