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Author Topic: WEEK 3 - MAP18 CORE24 [FEB 20 - FEB 26] Discussion  (Read 11630 times)


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WEEK 3 - MAP18 CORE24 [FEB 20 - FEB 26] Discussion
« on: February 19, 2017, 05:03:05 PM »
Week 3 - MAP18: Towering Gardens (CORE24)
February 20th - February 26th

Giant Pea Shooters [GPS]
Alt_Stab, Zakken, Rude, Dastan
3 pts (1-1-0)
[SUC] Super Chargers
Ralphis, Dranzer, Hopes, Halloween
8 pts (2-0-0)

The Dream Team [TDT]
DemonSphere, turSKA, Denzoa, D'Sparil
7 pts (2-0-0)
[TKV] Techno Vikings
Caution, GhOsTKiLLeR, Xenaero, Avc
8 pts (2-0-0)

Regulators [REG]
Jwarrier, RoSKing, HTG, Goblin
4 pts (1-1-0)
[SXP] Sexual Panthers
HumanBones, Dragon, Tony, Evolution
1 pt (0-2-0)

High Friction Men [HFM]
KBlair, Wazzup, Godlike, Souler
1 pt (0-2-0)
[HYP] Hurt You Plenty
DevastatioN, Heks, Starrk, dew
0 pts (0-2-0)
« Last Edit: February 21, 2017, 11:27:23 AM by Zakken »


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Re: WEEK 3 - MAP18 CORE24 [FEB 20 - FEB 26] Discussion
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2017, 06:32:14 PM »
Playoff picture

[TKV] Techno Vikings:
  • If TKV defeats TDT in 2 rounds, they earn a playoff spot.
  • If TKV defeats TDT in 3 rounds, they earn a playoff spot if either of the following occurs:
    - SUC defeats GPS in 2 rounds;
    - REG wins against SXP.
  • If TKV ties against TDT, they earn a playoff spot under the following conditions:
    - REG defeats SXP in 2 rounds;
    - HYP does not defeat HFM in 3 rounds.

[SUC] Super Chargers:
  • If SUC wins against GPS, they earn a playoff spot.
  • If SUC ties against GPS, they earn a playoff spot if the following conditions are met:
    - HFM doesn't tie against HYP;
    - REG wins against SXP.
  • If SUC loses against GPS in 3 rounds, they can still earn a playoff spot under the following conditions:
    - REG defeats SXP in 2 rounds;
    - HFM vs HYP ends in 2 rounds.

[TDT] The Dream Team:
  • If TDT defeats TKV in 2 rounds, they earn a playoff spot if SXP does not win against REG.
  • If TDT defeats TKV in 3 rounds, they earn a playoff spot if the following conditions are met:
    - REG wins against SXP;
    - HFM wins against HYP or HYP defeats HFM in 2 rounds.
  • If TDT ties against TKV, they can still earn a playoff spot under the following conditions:
    - REG defeats SXP in 2 rounds;
    - HFM defeats HYP in 2 rounds.


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Re: WEEK 3 - MAP18 CORE24 [FEB 20 - FEB 26] Discussion
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2017, 01:44:25 PM »
Time for some non-booty predictions!!

Giant Pea Shooters [GPS] vs [SUC] Super Chargers
SUC is currently among the leaders in the standings, although their schedule so far hasn't been too difficult. Let's see how they fare against a higher-class team! Don't expect us to play like we did in the first two weeks once we get enough practise.

The Dream Team [TDT] vs [TKV] Techno Vikings
Game of the week! Both teams will be squaring off for a possible early spot into the playoffs, and both teams have shown not only scary peaks, but also remarkable consistencies. In an open-field map such as this, where movements and rocket jumps will be rampant, it wouldn't be a stretch to say TKV has the edge here, but if TDT brings out their main line-up and practises regularly, this will be dead even. In the end, however, I believe TDT might just have the stronger clutch factor against the less experienced TKV. TDT 2-1 TKV

Regulators [REG] vs [SXP] Sexual Panthers
REG put up a great showing last week, and they are going in strong this week. After coming so close to defeating juggernauts TDT, SXP will be pulling all stops for this one, seeking that one victory to hop away from the last placers. Unfortunately for them, REG only seems to grow stronger with each practise session, and will ultimately become an untameable beast against SXP once it's go time. REG 2-0 SXP (3 rounds)

High Friction Men [HFM] vs [HYP] Hurt You Plenty
This will be the one game to decide who will still be able to comfortably compete for a playoff spot and who will stay behind and struggle even harder to get there. HYP has shown respectable performances despite what their lack of points might show, and this should be the one week where they get their deserved victory. If HFM practises a lot, they might have a few surprises in store, but that doesn't seem likely right now. HFM 0-2 HYP


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Re: WEEK 3 - MAP18 CORE24 [FEB 20 - FEB 26] Discussion
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2017, 03:27:23 PM »
SUC 2-1
TDT 2-1
REG 2-0
HYP 2-0


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Re: WEEK 3 - MAP18 CORE24 [FEB 20 - FEB 26] Discussion
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2017, 04:19:10 PM »
Giant Pea Shooters [GPS] vs [SUC] Super Chargers
GPS seems to have made their team weaker with the last trade, though Alt_Stab seems to have a great handle on the map so far. I think GPS could pull off an upset if they really want it. It will ultimately fall on their ability to contain SUC's offense.

2-1 SUC

The Dream Team [TDT] vs [TKV] Techno Vikings
Jake is an absolutely monster here. If TDT can break TKV's defense, they can win.


Sexual Panthers [SXP] vs [REG]  Regulators

High Friction Men [HFM] vs [HYP] Hurt You Plenty
This should be an interesting matchup, and ultimately will go to whoever practices more.

HFM ??-?? HYP
« Last Edit: February 23, 2017, 04:25:28 PM by Tony »


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Re: WEEK 3 - MAP18 CORE24 [FEB 20 - FEB 26] Discussion
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2017, 07:18:36 PM »


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Re: WEEK 3 - MAP18 CORE24 [FEB 20 - FEB 26] Discussion
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2017, 01:58:34 AM »
Tony is more or less Madden - "Lemme tell ya something, this is a game if I ever saw one, and let me say someone is going to touch that flag and win.".

Like I said every week - HYP is overrated, although I'm not underestimating Dev, more so underestimating his decision on where to place himself in ctf, if he can get a good feel for where to be it could be a stale game. HFM seems rather heated during prac based on Godlikes coms, both teams are equal here, Dev having prior chemistry with Heks from our last season should grant HYP the advantage, but don't lay the Killing Blair to bed yet, Kblair has a sick shot and good d or not, just set this guy on mid and he is smart enough to get a cap. Like I've said the last week - This is to hard to predict, I have to side with HYP but this is easily either teams win.

REG SXP - I'd say REG is way stronger on paper, but as of late, I'm not impressed. If bones can hold down D well enough this will be fine for SXP to take it home, while Jwarrier is a great defender, Bone's is not as easily fooled. I think this is a 2-1 in SXP favor.

GPS - SUC, Hard to say here too, I've not played SUC in prac, but I've played GPS a lot. Stab is a crazy good defender here and I don't think Ralph will be able to be as slick as normal, map being as wide open as it is, it doesn't fit SUCS style very well. I think GPS is going to have a hell of a time getting flags out, but will keep their flags stopped at mid, while SUC is going to feel helpless with Ralph style offense, and try and force a push onto GPS and I don't think the GPS wall will break. Going to go with a 2-1 here in GPS favor.


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Re: WEEK 3 - MAP18 CORE24 [FEB 20 - FEB 26] Discussion
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2017, 11:03:25 AM »
The Dream Team [TDT] vs [TKV] Techno Vikings

I've gone back and forth on this all week. Having played both teams, all I can say is that they're both strong here, and any prediction I give is little more than a guess. TDT will be tough to deal with no matter who they put in the game. D'Sparil, DemonSphere and turSKA are all great on offense here, so they'll be putting a lot of pressure on TKV all game long. If I had to choose, I'd say that TKV could win due to Xen's incredibly consistent D on this map (if he plays and is on D). He's one of the only players in the league who can shut down an offense for long stretches here, and I think he might swing this in TKV's favor. Whatever happens, it'll be a hell of a game.
TKV 2 - TDT 1

High Friction Men [HFM] vs [HYP] Hurt You Plenty

Gotta go with HYP here. Dev and Heks have played together in three different seasons and this is the type of map they do well on. Same goes for Starrk, who excels at responding quickly to callouts and stamping out potentially hazardous runs before they get started. If HFM has a chance, they will have to get a strong performance from each of their starters. Each of them have had good stretches during the first two weeks but they've also been plagued by periodical letdowns. They'll need complete game efforts from all three in order to stay in this game.
HYP 2 - HFM - 1

Regulators [REG] vs [SXP] Sexual Panthers

I haven't seen any REG practice this week, but I did play a bit with Cab, and he was doing pretty good. I've seen a lot of SXP practice though and from what I've seen they're playing like a team, and looking pretty impressive. I expect them to pull out their first win of the season this week.
SXP 2 - REG 1