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Messages - Zakken

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Should be an exciting match

« on: June 20, 2020, 07:49:45 AM »

Draft order:
1. Ralphis
2. RoSKing
3. Stall
4. HumanBones
5. Tai
6. Zakken
7. Infer
8. Alpha
9. DevastatioN
10. Alt+Stab

Draft picks:
#1: Ralphis nominates GhostKilleR, sold to Alt+Stab for $7
#2: RoSKing nominates Caution, sold to Zakken for $23
#3: Stall nominates Acc, sold to RoSKing for $24
#4: HumanBones nominates Dragon, sold to HumanBones for $28
#5: Tai nominates Dastan, sold to Tai for $18
#6: Zakken nominates Asriel, sold to DevastatioN for $4
#7: Infer nominates Jwarrier, sold to DevastatioN for $25
#8: Alpha nominates HateDaddy, sold to Alpha for $28
#9: DevastatioN nominates Godlike, sold to DevastatioN for $1
#10: Alt+Stab nominates Xenaero, sold to Alt+Stab for $10

#11: Alt+Stab nominates Denzoa, sold to Alt+Stab for $13
#12: Alpha nominates KBlair, sold to Ralphis for $8
#13: Infer nominates Shift, sold to Infer for $11
#14: Zakken nominates Cartel, sold to Infer for $9
#15: Tai nominates Edd, sold to Tai for $7
#16: HumanBones nominates Legion, sold to Zakken for $6
#17: Stall nominates Chain, sold to Stall for $10
#18: RoSKing nominates ThatsJustPrime, sold to Ralphis for $20
#19: Ralphis nominates Frandaemon, sold to Ralphis for $1
#20: RoSKing nominates Avc, sold to Stall for $6

#21: Stall nominates TheFatWilly, sold to Stall for $14
#22: HumanBones nominates Tobi, sold to HumanBones for $1
#23: Tai nominates Galactus, sold to Tai for $5
#24: Zakken nominates Dsparil, sold to Infer for $10
#25: Alpha nominates Halloween, sold to Alpha for $1
#26: Alpha nominates dranzer, sold to Alpha for $1
#27: Zakken nominates SkullRush, sold to RoSKing for $2
#28: HumanBones nominates ShadowStalker, sold to HumanBones for $1
#29: RoSKing nominates Darkion, sold to RoSKing for $1
#30: Zakken nominates Saltmine, sold to Zakken for $1

Value order:
Dragon ($28)
HateDaddy ($28)
Jwarrier ($25)
Acc ($24)
Caution ($23)
ThatsJustPrime ($20)
Dastan ($18)
TheFatWilly ($14)
Denzoa ($13)
Shift ($11)
Chain ($10)
Dsparil ($10)
Xenaero ($10)
Cartel ($9)
KBlair ($8)
Edd ($7)
GhostKilleR ($7)
Avc ($6)
Legion ($6)
Galactus ($5)
Asriel ($4)
SkullRush ($2)
Darkion ($1)
dranzer ($1)
Frandaemon ($1)
Godlike ($1)
Halloween ($1)
Saltmine ($1)
ShadowStalker ($1)
Tobi ($1)

Post-draft teams:
[SUC] Super Chargers
Ralphis (C), ThatsJustPrime ($20), KBlair ($8), Frandaemon ($1)

[BST] Best Ever
RoSKing (C), Acc ($24), SkullRush ($2), Darkion ($1)

[RIP] Rip and Tear
Stall (C), Chain ($10), Avc ($6), TheFatWilly ($14)

[SXP] Sexual Panthers
HumanBones (C), Dragon ($28), Tobi ($1), ShadowStalker ($1)

[TOF] Tai's Only Fans
Tai (C), Dastan ($18), Edd ($7), Galactus ($5)

[SBR] Steel Ball Runners
Zakken (C), Caution ($23), Legion ($6), Saltmine ($1)

[BQ] Ô Blésq Blom
Infer (C), Shift ($11), Cartel ($9), Dsparil ($10)

[DS] Demon SlayerS
Alpha (C), HateDaddy ($28), Halloween ($1), dranzer ($1)

[BW] Boomstick Warriors
DevastatioN (C), Jwarrier ($25), Asriel ($4), Godlike ($1)

[GPS] Giant Pea Shooters
Alt+Stab (C), Denzoa ($13), Xenaero ($10), GhostKiller ($7)

WDL Summer 2020 / Re: SUMMER 2020 SIGN-UP THREAD
« on: May 29, 2020, 09:39:11 PM »
Name: Zakken
Country: Brazil
Preferred contact: Discord DM
Regular Availability: Whenever
Want to be a captain?: Would rather not Yes

Other Stuff / Re: Free Caution
« on: April 15, 2019, 09:24:40 PM »
I agree with at least one of these two statements

WDL Special Events / Re: WDL Special Event #01 Signups
« on: April 12, 2018, 03:48:33 PM »
Name: Zakken
Country: Brazil
Preferred contact: WDL Discord

This should be a very exciting one. The storylines here are great also! RoSKing makes #1 and reaches the grand finals for the third consecutive time as a captain and Infer is 3-for-3 in Doom league finals appearances. RoSKing could win his very first season, Infer could win a back-to-back title, and Legion could win his first season as a true starter. Meanwhile, Tai reaches the championship game for the first time as a captain (second time including IDL), Caution is there for the third time in a row, Dastan for the second time and Starrk for the first time since Summer 2016. This could be Tai's second WDL title, Caution's back-to-back-to-back championship and a first title for Starrk and Dastan.

BST struggled a decent bit against SXP in their own homefield, so their leverage against TPT on Map14 is not as great as it could be. They did, however, pull a very clutch couple of captures on game 5, tipping the scales of an intense match. On the flipside, TPT's otherwise massive Map08 leverage is not as terrifying against BST since they are, in my opinion, the only team in this season that could possibly keep up with TPT's pace in their dreaded homefield. TPT won't be able to rely on solid Map08 victories alone as they did in their previous matches, as they will need to convincingly surpass BST in Map14 to face favourable odds of victory. With Tai and Caution vs RoSKing and Infer being pretty much a battle of gods in its own right, the deciding factor will be, as per usual, the third players and how they'll coordinate with the rest of their respective teams. Will Starrk provide enough pressure to bring flags home? Will Dastan make BST's defence look stupid? Or will Legion make enough calculated plays to give BST the edge instead? I'll go out on a limb and say this will go to game 6, as BST and TPT alternate wins between each round and tie game 5; BST finally figures TPT out and mounts a close final victory to win the season. Regardless of the result, if you don't listen to Ultimate Battle while watching this match, you're doing something wrong.
BST 3-2-1 TPT

April 2nd - April 8th

(#6) The Phantom Troupe [TPT]
Tai, Caution, Starrk, Dastan
MAP08: Something Epic (ZDCTF08)
[BST] Best Ever (#1)
RoSKing, Infer, Legion, Quiksilver
MAP14: Mephitic Waste (CORE26)

These might honestly be the most evenly-matched semi-finals I've ever seen in any WDL season. There is no such thing as an "upset" here, because everyone who's made it this far is immensely capable of overcoming any and all odds, so yes, a #5 vs #6 grand finals is well within the realm of possibility here. With that said, let's get to the predictions.

Any of the homefields selected here can go either way: while BST has shown great knowledge and execution of MAP14, SXP was also able to bring TPT to a tie in this same map. SXP plays MAP16 quite optimally, but BST is also no stranger to the ZDCTF tug-of-war classic. BST's best bet is to rout SXP in quick 3-4 rounds, because Bones's squad is notoriously troublesome to handle in longer slugfests, thanks to their unmatched stamina and remarkable adaptability. To SXP's disadvantage, MAP14 is not a map you can slow down to a crawl, so the pressure will be on them to keep up with BST's pace in the number one team's homefield. To BST's disadvantage, SXP already boasted a victory against them in the regular season, and brute force alone might not be sufficient to come out on top of this match-up. In the end, SXP will keep it close, but BST arguably understands these maps much better than what I consider a fluke loss on MAP12, so RoSKing's team will edge out the few necessary rounds to earn yet another shot at a WDL title.
BST 2-0-2 SXP

The much-anticipated SUC vs Caution rematch, on the same homefields too! TPT showed complete mastery of MAP08, dismantling one of the better teams of this season with ease just the week prior, and even though SUC plays the map in more coordinated fashion than GPS, that still won't be enough to stop the TPT powerhouse. MAP28, on the other hand, is much more of a toss-up, as the same SUC team from last season proved to be able to clutch quick victories against just about any team. The key will be who TPT will field as their third player: will they go for Starrk and play a more traditional game, or go for a more offence-heavy strategy with Dastan? The latter proved himself against GPS, but can he pull off the same plays on MAP28, against tougher defence? Tai will also be on the spot to play the best he's ever played this season, if he intends to pull the biggest playoff seed upset in WDL history. All in all, I see both teams winning their respective homefields solidly, all the way to game 5, in which TPT will most likely edge out the final victory, thanks to momentum built up from their Map08 wins. SUC unfortunately repeats their fate from last season.  :larry

March 26th - April 1st

(#5) Sexual Panthers [SXP]
HumanBones, Rude, Tony, Unknown
MAP16: Return to Phobos (ZDCTF16)
[BST] Best Ever (#1)
RoSKing, Infer, Legion, Quiksilver
MAP14: Mephitic Waste (CORE26)

(#6) The Phantom Troupe [TPT]
Tai, Caution, Starrk, Dastan
MAP08: Something Epic (ZDCTF08)
[SUC] Super Chargers (#2)
Ralphis, Jwarrier, Souler, Hugoxds

WDL Winter 2018 / Re: WDL Winter 2018 All-Star Game
« on: March 19, 2018, 02:34:28 PM »

The rematch from week 3, TPT clinically dismantled GPS's main line-up in Map12, and I believe that story will repeat itself here. Playoffs are where TPT's potential will truly come forth, and with a homefield like Map08, I don't see GPS having any plans that could possibly work against TPT's high-pressure offence. It must be stated, however, that GPS DOES have the homefield advantage, so while TPT should win as soon as they get favourable momentum, they'll have to work hard to pry it out of GPS's hands. I can see TPT practising a lot more than GPS this week as well, given Dev and Denzoa's crappy avails, which will further solidify TPT's impending victory. It is very unfortunate, but I predict Stab will lose his 3rd playoff quarterfinals in a row.

This will be a hardcore grind, given both maps are heavily mid-centred and simplistic. QMP's been having a hard time lately, while SXP only gets better and better with each week. Both teams seem very accustomed to the best-of-5 struggle of playoffs, so adaptation will be key to pulling ahead. Rude has been SXP's star player, and finding ways to score in maps that don't have much room for tricks will be a true test for him. For QMP, it will be up to im1hpu0 to prove himself as the clutch factor that they need to bring those comebacks like they did in the first couple of weeks. I predict SXP will squeeze out that W once QMP eventually runs out of steam.
SXP 3-2-1 QMP

March 19th - March 25th

(#6) The Phantom Troupe [TPT]
Tai, Caution, Starrk, Dastan
MAP08: Something Epic (ZDCTF08)
[GPS] Giant Pea Shooters (#3)
Alt_Stab, DevastatioN, Denzoa, ALMN
MAP01: Red Shift (CORE36)
Winner plays: [SUC] Super Chargers @ MAP28: BAD MOON (THIRTY16-25)

(#5) Sexual Panthers [SXP]
HumanBones, Rude, Tony, Unknown
MAP16: Return to Phobos (ZDCTF16)
[QMP] Quantum Power (#4)
Dsparil, Dragon, im1hpu0, Taurustar
MAP25: Infection (RAGECTF21)
Winner plays: [BST] Best Ever @ MAP14: Mephitic Waste (CORE26)

Playoff Picture - Simple Version

4th. [SXP] Sexual Panthers
Playoff requirements:
- A win or a tie against TPT.
- A 3-round loss against TPT if BSK defeats QMP in 3 rounds or PEE does not win in 2 rounds.
- A 2-round loss against TPT if BSK does not defeat QMP in 3 rounds (if PEE gains more points than BST), and PEE does not win.

5th. [TPT] The Phantom Troupe
Playoff requirements:
- A win or a tie against SXP.
- A 3-round loss against SXP if BSK defeats QMP in 3 rounds or PEE does not win in 2 rounds.
- A 2-round loss against SXP if BSK does not defeat QMP in 3 rounds (if GPS doesn't gain 3 or more points than PEE), and PEE does not win.

6th. [QMP] Quantum Power
Playoff requirements:
- A win or a tie against BSK.
- A 3-round loss against BSK if TPT vs SXP ends in 2 rounds or PEE does not win in 2 rounds.

7th. [BSK] Berserker Packers
Playoff requirements:
- A 2-round win against QMP.
- A 3-round win against QMP if TPT vs SXP ends in 2 rounds, PEE does not win in 2 rounds, and PEE gains more points than BST if SXP loses (or GPS does not gain 3 or more points than PEE if TPT loses).

8th. [PEE] Professional Esports Enthusiasts
Playoff requirements:
- A 2-round win against SUC if a winner comes out of TPT vs SXP and BSK does not win in 2 rounds.
- A 3-round win against SUC if TPT vs SXP goes in 2 rounds and BSK does not win.

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